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क्या भारतीय समाज में पूर्ण क्रांति या कोई सार्थक बदलाव संभव है? शायद नहीं!!


( सत्येन्द्र कुमार दूबे: बदलाव की कीमत  मौत के दरवाजे तक ले गयी )

भारतीय समाज एक विचित्र समाज है! ये बदलाव तो चाहता है लेकिन ये बदलाव का हिस्सा नहीं बनना चाहती. भारतीय समाज एक ढर्रे पे चलने वाला समाज है. ये सही चीजों का हिमायती तो है लेकिन बहुमत फिर भी सार्थक बदलाव के प्रति उदासीनता, आलस और निराशा से भरा है. इसीलिए जयप्रकाश नारायण या वर्तमान में अन्ना हजारे जैसे लोग समाज को झकझोर तो सकते है लेकिन एक सार्थक मूवमेंट को जन्म नहीं दे सकते, लोगो को वैचारिक रूप से उन्नत नहीं कर सकते. गाँधी ने भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन को गति जरूर प्रदान की लेकिन उसके मूल मे भारत को आज़ाद कराने का संकल्प था, भारतीय समाज के सोचने के तौर तरीके या उसकी कार्यशैली में बदलाव इसके मूल में नहीं था! शायद यही वजह है कि नेहरु के कार्यकाल में ही भ्रष्टाचार के किस्से उभर आये. ये भी उल्लेखनीय है कि गांधी और नारायण जी के आन्दोलन दोनों युवा वर्ग के जोश पे ही आगे बढे लेकिन अंत में या दूरगामी परिणाम “किस्सा कुर्सी का” ही रहा.

ये भारतीय समाज ही है कि आधुनिक काल में भी सरकारी महकमे बनाम प्राइवेट का महत्त्व हावी रहता है. सरकारी चपरासी आपका होनहार दामाद हो सकता है लेकिन एक निपुण कारीगर नहीं!! ये भारतीय समाज ही है जो लड़की की शादी की चिंता से व्यथित रहता है लेकिन दहेज़ के कानून होने के बावजूद हर आदमी शादी में धूमधाम, दहेज़ के लेन देन का सबसे बड़ा उपक्रम करता है सिर्फ और सिर्फ इसलिए कि समाज क्या कहेगा, लोग क्या कहेंगे! ये भारतीय समाज ही है जो अब भी पद की प्रतिष्ठा देखता है, उपरी कमाई देखता है, कलम या कुर्सी कितना फायदा पंहुचा सकती है ये सब देखता है. यही आपके वजूद के मूल्यांकन का पैमाना है और यही पैमाना रहेगा इस भारतीय समाज में. आपकी अच्छाई का कोई मोल नहीं अगर आदमी बिकाऊ नहीं है. इसे आप भौतिकता का तकाज़ा कह ले या फिर उपयोगितावाद का चरम कह ले. साधू संतो से भी मिलते है तो ये भारतीय समाज की दृष्टि है कि वो आश्रम की भव्यता से प्रभावित होता है. वहा की सादगी और दिव्यता असर ही नहीं डालती. ये भारतीय समाज ही है कि फूहड़ क्रिएटिविटी प्रचार का सहारा पाकर ( लेटेस्ट उदाहरण “दिलवाले” का राष्ट्रीय अखबारों में पहले पेज पर फुल साइज़ विज्ञापन देखे ) सबसे ज्यादा कमाई करने वाली फिल्मे बनती है पर वही अच्छी फिल्मो के लिए मल्टीप्लेक्स कल्चर में कोई जगह नहीं!! ना ये फिल्मे रिलीज़ होती है. रिलीज़ होती है तो चलती नहीं, बोरिंग और बकवास कह कर खारिज कर दी जाती है!! इनके कलाकार गुमनामी के अँधेरे में दम तोड़ देते है!!

ये भारतीय समाज की स्याह तस्वीर है कि जो बदलाव, क्रान्ति की बात करते है वे बहुमत द्वारा शक की निगाहों से देखे जाते है! ये बदलाव अगर करते है तो उसका फायदा उठाने की चाह सबमे रहती है लेकिन ऐसे लोगो से लोग दूरी बना कर रखते है! ऐसे लोगो को खुद उसके परिवार वाले और उन्नत भारत का उन्नत समाज “सनकी”, और पागल करार देती है! ये अलग बात है ऐसे “सनकी” और “पागल” लोगो के द्वारा लाये गए बदलाव का हर कोई फायदा उठाता है!! लेकिन ये सबसे बड़ी त्रासदी है इस भारतीय समाज कि बदलाव की बात करने वालो, उसके लिए संघर्षरत रहने वालो के लिए कोई खास स्पेस नहीं. ऐसे लोगो की अंतिम परिणिति या तो असमय मौत में होती है या किसी पागलखाने में उपेक्षित मौत!! ऐसे लोग समाज की नज़रो में जैसा मेरे एक मित्र ने ठीक ही कहा “इरिस्पांसिबल” लोग होते है!! इसलिए इन बदलाव चाहने वालो के पीछे समाज, माफिया या सरकारी व्यवस्था सरकारी इंटेलिजेंस नाम के महकमे के साथ हाथ धोकर पीछे पड़ जाती है.


( मंजुनाथ की मौत ये बताती है कि आजादी हमको सिर्फ ब्रिटिश लोगो से मिली. समाज की गंदगी से आजादी अभी बाकी है. )

ऐसी व्यवस्था सिर्फ आम आदमियों को ही नहीं प्रताड़ित करती. खुद अपने ही विद्रोही सरकारी आदमी लोगो को भी नहीं छोडती, विद्रोही सामजिक कार्यकर्ताओ को भी नहीं बख्शती. सो आप सहज ही समझ सकते है कि साधारण पृष्ठभूमि वाले लोग बदलाव के बारे में कैसे सोच सकते है जब एक सरकारी अफसर को माफिया खुले आम जला डालता है, एक माफिया ट्रैक्टर के नीचे युवा IPS अफसर को रौंद डालता है, मंजुनाथ या सत्येन्द्र दुबे भयानक मौत के शिकार होते है या फिर इसी तरह के लोग और भयंकर षड़यंत्र के शिकार होते है. और फिर काल के प्रवाह के चलते ऐसे लोग विस्मृत हो जाते है. भारतीय समाज यथावत अपने समस्त तमाशे के साथ चलता रहता है इस उम्मीद के साथ अच्छे दिन आयेंगे, अच्छे बदलाव होंगे लेकिन हममे से कोई पहल नहीं करेगा, कोई बदलाव की बात नहीं करेगा और हर बदलाव की चाह करने वाले को बुरी तरह प्रताड़ित करना चाहेगा!! बदलाव की इतनी भीषण चाह पर फिर भी बदलाव की राह पे लगे लोगो की इतनी बुरी नियति! सो किसकी शामत आई है जो बदलाव के बारे में सोचे! सिस्टम का हिस्सा बनो और मौज उडाओ. ये सबसे सेफ विकल्प है.

जुडिशियल एक्टिविज्म की बात भी कर ले. वकालत के क्षेत्र से ताल्लुक रखते है तो ये बात क्यों न कहे कि जुडिशियल एक्टिविज्म की सबसे ज्यादा जरुरत तो न्यायालयों के भीतर सबसे ज्यादा है बजाय किसी और क्षेत्र में जहा पेशकार भी पैसा लेता है अगली “डेट” देने के लिए, जहा फैसले केस की मेरिट नहीं आपकी बेंच से प्रगाढ़ ताल्लुकात पे निर्भर है, जहा वकील का रुतबा या चेहरा फैसले पलट देती है, जहा कंटेम्प्ट के कानून का भय इतना है कि सारे वकील लकीर के फकीर बन कर प्रचलित व्यस्था का हिस्सा बन कर अपनी दाल रोटी को सुरक्षित करते है और सारी उम्र बस दाल रोटी को सुरक्षित ही करते रहते है ( और साथ में बदलाव करने वालो को सनकी और पागल कह कर उपहास उड़ाते है ), जहा जज साहिब को सलाम ठोकना आवश्यक है वर्ना आपके हर अच्छे केस का फ्यूचर बस “dismissed” ( खारिज )  होना तय है, और जहा जज साहिब खुद भ्रष्टाचार सहित हर कुकर्म में लिप्त है, जहा डिस्ट्रिक्ट न्यायालयों में हड़ताल/सौदेबाजी  ज्यादा और न्याय कम ही होता है ( पर इसके बाद भी जनता इसी चौखट पे आकर न्याय की गुहार लगाती है और कुछ नक्सली/बागी बन कर अपने से न्याय हासिल करते है !!)

लोग मुझसे अक्सर ये पूछते है अरे समस्याए तो सब गिना देते है, कोई हल हो तो बताइए! हम उनसे यही कहते है हल बहुत साधारण है पर क्या आप जैसे जटिल दिमाग इस साधारण से हल को आत्मसात कर सकते है कि पहले बदलाव की सोच रखने वालो का सम्मान करो और उन्हें उचित सरंक्षण दो. सारे अच्छे बदलाव अपने आप खुद हो जायेंगे!! किसी बदलाव करने वाले को आप शक की निगाहों से देखेंगे, उन्हें मुख्यधारा से बहिष्कृत  कर देंगे, उन्हें प्रताड़ित करेंगे तो किस मुंह से भारतीय समाज बदलाव की आशा रखता है. ये भारतीय समाज खुद सोचे क्या उसे वास्तव में बदलाव की दरकार है? तब कही वो “हल” के बारे में चिंतित हो! हमारे यहाँ तो सभी सिस्टम का हिस्सा बनना चाहते है दिमाग को बंद करके! लकीर का फकीर बने रहना ज्यादा मुनासिब है इस देश में, सिस्टम में सेट होने के जुगाड़ में ही सारी उम्र चली जाती है यहाँ पर! सो क्रांति या असल बदलाव इस देश में इस मानसिकता के चलते संभव नहीं.

इस पोस्ट के आशय को जो हमने दो कविताये अभी पढ़ी वे बहुत अच्छी तरह से उभारती है. पहली कविता तो “अर्द्ध सत्य” फ़िल्म से है और उस चक्रव्यूह की तरफ इशारा करती है जो बदलाव करने वालो को अपनी गिरफ्त में ले लेती है. दूसरी छोटी कविता रमा शंकर यादव “विद्रोही” द्वारा रचित है जो जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय (JNU) से निकाल दिए गए थे कैंपस में धरने इत्यादि में शामिल होने के लिए.


चक्रव्यूह मे घुसने से पहले
कौन था मैं और कैसा था
यह मुझे याद ही ना रहेगा

चक्रव्यूह मे घुसने के बाद
मेरे और चक्रव्यूह के बीच
सिर्फ़ एक जानलेवा निकटता थी
इसका मुझे पता ही न चलेगा

चक्रव्यूह से निकलने के बाद
मैं मुक्त हो जाऊँ भले ही
फ़िर भी चक्रव्यूह की रचना मे
फर्क ही ना पड़ेगा

मरुँ या मारू
मारा जाऊं या जान से मार दूँ
इसका फ़ैसला कभी ना हो पायेगा

सोया हुआ आदमी जब
नींद से उठ कर चलना शुरू करता हैं
तब सपनों का संसार उसे
दुबारा दिख ही नही पायेगा

उस रौशनी में जो निर्णय की रौशनी हैं
सब कुछ समान होगा क्या?

एक पलडे में नपुंसकता
एक पलडे में पौरुष
और ठीक तराजू के कांटे पर
अर्द्ध सत्य

Source: गोविन्द निहलानी की अर्द्ध सत्य


मैं भी मरूंगा

और भारत के भाग्य विधाता भी मरेंगे

लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं
कि पहले जन-गण-मन अधिनायक मरें
फिर भारत भाग्य विधाता मरें
फिर साधू के काका मरें
यानी सारे बड़े-बड़े लोग पहले मर लें
फिर मैं मरूं- आराम से
उधर चल कर वसंत ऋतु में
जब दानों में दूध और आमों में बौर आ जाता है
या फिर तब जब महुवा चूने लगता है
या फिर तब जब वनबेला फूलती है
नदी किनारे मेरी चिता दहक कर महके
और मित्र सब करें दिल्लगी
कि ये विद्रोही भी क्या तगड़ा कवि था
कि सारे बड़े-बड़े लोगों को मारकर तब मरा॥”

कवि: रमा शंकर यादव “विद्रोही”

Source: Kafila


narendra kumar
( सरकारी लोग भी माफिया के आतंक से त्रस्त है. नरेन्द्र नाम के इस आईपीएस अफसर की मौत तो यही समझाती है. )

Pic Credit:

Pic One

Pic Two

Pic Three

आमिर खान के वक्तव्य की असल मंशा को समझना बेहद जरूरी है! घातक प्रवित्ति की निशानी है ऐसे वक्तव्य !!

( हिन्दू आधार पे निर्भर रहने वाले इस तरह के स्टार्स को जिस दिन हिन्दू समाज प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से समर्थन देना बंद कर देगा उस दिन के बाद से इनकी हैसियत कुछ भी नहीं रहेगी. अब यही करने की जरुरत आ गयी है. आमिर खान के वक्तव्य का सही जवाब यही है. सही प्रतिरोध यही है. )

आमिर खान के वक्तव्य की गंभीरता को समझना आवश्यक है. इसकी असल थाह लेना बहुत जरूरी सा है. इस परिपेक्ष्य में नहीं कि ये आमिर खान ने कहा है बल्कि एक दूसरे सन्दर्भ में इनके वक्तव्य को परखना अति आवश्यक है. पहले ये समझना पड़ेगा कि ये असहिष्णुता पे चर्चा पूरी तरह से सुनियोजित षड़यंत्र है सरकार को अस्थिर करने की. इसमें तो कुछ देश की ही ताकते है जैसे  खिसियाये हुए अलग थलग पड़ गयी राजनैतिक पार्टिया है तो दूसरी तरफ छुपी हुई विदेशी ताकते है जिनके अपने हित नहीं सधते दिखाई पड़ रहे है. सो जब कुछ नहीं मिला तो  “असहिष्णुता” को ही मुद्दा बनाकर सरकार पे कीचड फेकना शुरू कर दिया. जाहिर सी बात है कि इसमें बिकी हुई मुख्यधारा की मीडिया भी शामिल है. सो असल सवाल ये बनता है कि इस प्रायोजित असहिष्णुता वाली बहस में आमिर खान को कूदने की क्या जरुरत थी? और यही से आमिर खान के  वक्तव्य की असल मंशा उभर कर सामने आ जाती है!! असहिष्णुता को भी एक पंक्ति में समझते चले कि अगर दंगो का इतिहास देखे तो आजादी के बाद तो सबसे नृशंस तरीके से हत्याए कांग्रेस के शासन काल में हुई!! आश्चर्य इस बात का है कि कभी भी इनके शासन काल में असहिष्णुता पे इतना हो हल्ला नहीं मचा पर मोदी के शांतिपूर्वक एक साल पूरे होते हुए ही अचानक असहिष्णुता  एक भारी मुद्दा बन गया. या बना दिया गया!! 

आमिर खान के वक्तव्य की आने का समय देखिये. पेरिस में हमले के बाद दुनिया की सारी ताकते मुस्लिम आतंकवाद के वीभत्स नए चेहरे आईएस से निबटने की तैयारी में लगी है लेकिन हमारे यहाँ बहस आमिर खान के निरर्थक वक्तव्य पे केन्द्रित है. दुनिया एक तरफ बेचैन है कैसे इस्लामिक आतंकवाद से निबटा जाए पर हमारे यहाँ बिके हुए बुद्धिजीवी और प्रेस्टीटयूट स्पॉन्सर्ड असहिष्णुता पे आधारित चर्चा में सलंग्न है. कुछ दुखद घटनाए हुई जो नहीं होनी चाहिए थी पर उनसे निबटने के तरीके और भी थें पर उसको राजनैतिक स्वरूप देकर लगभग अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्दा बना दिया गया. ये पूरी बहस उतनी ही सतही है जितनी ओबामा का भारत दौरे के खत्म होने के बाद अपने देश में जाकर दिया गया वक्तव्य कि भारत में वर्तमान में फैली धार्मिक असहिष्णुता देखकर महात्मा गांधी को तकलीफ होती!! यद्यपि ओबामा जब तक भारत में थें तब तक इन्हें सब सही लगा लेकिन वाशिंगटन पहुँचते ही इनके सुर बदल गए. इस वक्त तो सभी राष्ट्रों में चर्चा इस बात पे होनी चाहिए कि पेरिस में आईएस के खतरनाक हमले के बाद किस तरह हम वो व्यवस्था करे कि पहले इस तरह का हमला ना हो और दूसरे किस तरह इस्लामी आतंकवाद को जड़ से उखाड़ फेंका जाए. लेकिन हमारे यहाँ के स्खलित बुद्धिजीवी निरर्थक चर्चा में सलंग्न है. अंग्रेजी में इसे मच अडू अबाउट नथिंग कहेंगे.

इसी वक्त हमारे सदन में संविधान के औचित्य और प्रासंगिकता पे माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री और अन्य सम्मानित सांसदों ने अपने बहुमूल्य विचार रखे. चर्चा के केंद्रबिंदु में तो इनके रखे विचार होने चाहिए थे जिसमे मोदी जी ने देश के सनातन धर्म की व्याख्या करते हुए कहा कि इस संस्कृति में एक ऑटो पायलट अरेंजमेंट मैकेनिज्म सरीखी व्यवस्था है जिसके तहत हमारी विरोधाभासो से भरे समाज में अच्छे लोग उभर कर भारतीय समाज को नयो दिशा दे जाते है. या ये कि भारतीय संविधान एक कानूनी दस्तावेज ही नहीं वरन एक सामजिक दास्तावेज भी है. लेकिन इन गंभीर बातो पे चर्चा के बजाये चर्चा एक निरर्थक बयान पे हो रही है. इस देश की सोच को बिकी हुई मीडिया संचालित करती है ऐसी सतही बहस को जन्म देकर.

अब आमिर खान की बात को पकड़ा जाए. फ़िल्म स्टार्स के बीच से उपजी बातो का ज्यादातर समय  कुछ सार नहीं होता सिवाय इसके कि इन्हें कुछ समय तक सनसनी या सुर्खियों में रहने का कुछ समय के लिए मौक़ा मिल जाता है. आपको याद है शाहरुख़ खान का लोकसभा चुनावों के दौरान दिया गया हुआ वो वक्तव्य जब देश में एक नयी बहस रूपी हवा चली थी कि नरेन्द्र मोदी के प्रधानमन्त्री बनने के बाद कौन देश में रहेगा कौन नहीं जिस वक्त अभी असहिष्णुता आधारित बहस की हवा चल रही है. तब शाहरुख़ ने कहा था वे देश में नहीं रहेंगे अगर मोदीजी प्रधानमंत्री बनते है!! तो क्या उन्होंने देश छोड़ा? नहीं ना!! इसी तरह आमिर खान की पत्नी ने उनसे क्या कहा और उन्होंने क्या सोचा ये एक अत्यंत निजी मसला है जिसको तो पहले तो सामने आना नहीं चाहिए था और अगर आ ही गया तो एक इतने बड़े मुद्दे के रूप में उभरना नहीं चाहिए कि इसको लेकर मुख्यधारा की मीडिया इस पर चर्चा करे. लेकिन इस पर चर्चा यूँ हो रही है जैसे आमिर खान ने बहुत बड़ा  रहस्योद्घाटन कर दिया हो!!  इन सतही बहसों से फायदा क्या होता है? सबसे बड़ा फायदा तो यही होता है कि गंभीर मुद्दों से ध्यान हट जाता है!! दूसरा प्रचार के भूखे या प्रचार आधारित जीवन शैली जीने वाले इन बकवास स्टार्स को  अस्तित्व में आने का मौका मिल जाता है. इसका नतीजा ये होगा कि इनके आने वाली फिल्मो या शोज को अपनी जड़े ज़माने में मदद मिल जाती है.

अंत में ये बेहद गंभीर बात. इन स्टार्स का क्या इस्तेमाल कब, क्यों और कैसे ये मुख्यधारा की मीडिया करती है इस पर मनन तो होता रहेगा लेकिन समय आ गया है ये हिन्दू युवक युवतियाँ इन्हें अपना आइकॉन मानना छोड़ दे खासकर “:लव जेहाद” जैसे प्रकरण सामने आने के बाद. ये “खान” स्टार्स अपनी फूहड़ फिल्मो के साथ किसी भी सभ्य हिन्दू समाज में कोई अहमियत नहीं रखते. आपको क्या लगता है ये “खान” स्टार्स कभी देश छोड़कर जाने की सोच सकते है? कभी नहीं. क्योकि इनके जैसे वाहियात स्टार्स की दूसरे देशो के असल स्टार्स की बीच कोई ख़ास पूछ होने वाली भी नहीं!! और वैसे कहा जायेंगे? पाकिस्तान, सीरिया, इराक या सऊदी अरब? क्या इन जगहों पे ये सेफ है या नहीं ये समझना छोडिये, पहले ये समझिये कि क्या किसी भी मुल्क में अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन को शामिल करते हुए इन्हें अपने  फिल्मो के चलाने वाले प्रशंसक मिलेंगे इनके फिल्मो के बकवास कंटेंट को देखते हुए? चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस, हैप्पी न्यू इयर, वांटेड या धूम ३ जैसे बकवास फिल्मे और कहा चल सकती है सिवाय भारत में!! इतना पैसा वो कहा बना सकते हैं! और ये सब हिन्दू लड़के लडकियों की मेहरबानी है कि इन जैसे बकवास स्टार्स को समर्थन देती है इनके फिल्मे देखकर. जिस दिन हिन्दू आधार इन्हें मिलना बंद हो जाएगा ये देश के बाहर रहे या भीतर ये प्राणविहीन हो जायेंगे!!

सो असल बात ये है कि खान ब्रिगेड से संचालित हर चीज़ को हिन्दू आधार मिलना बंद हो. पब्लिसिटी चाहे नकारात्मक हो या सकारात्मक आपको फायदा  देती है. ये रीढ़विहीन स्टार्स अच्छी तरह जानते है. ये कही नहीं जाने वाले. ये यही रहेंगे. यहाँ ये सेफ है और आर्थिक रूप से मजबूत है. ये हिन्दू आधार लेकर पनपते है और फिर विदेशी ताकतों का शह पाकर इसी हिन्दू आधार की जड़ काटते है. गलत ये नहीं है.  गलत हिन्दू लड़के और लडकिया है जो इन्हें सामजिक और आर्थिक हैसियत प्रदान करते है. हिन्दू आधार पे निर्भर रहने वाले इस तरह के स्टार्स को जिस दिन हिन्दू समाज प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से समर्थन देना बंद कर देगा उस दिन के बाद से इनकी हैसियत कुछ भी नहीं रहेगी. अब यही करने की जरुरत आ गयी है. आमिर खान के वक्तव्य का सही जवाब यही है. सही प्रतिरोध यही है. 

Pic One

Taj Mahal Is Not Symbol Of True Love: It’s Manifestation Of Insensitivity And Cruelty!

Taj Mahal: Even if it's about true love, it's also equally about lack of conscious approach towards health of woman. It's about romance mired in bloodshed and acts of vandalism.

Taj Mahal: Even if it’s about true love, it’s also equally about lack of conscious approach towards health of woman. It’s about romance mired in bloodshed and acts of vandalism.

We always get carried away by false images, popular sentiments, more so when they are associated with well-known things. Worse, we dare not put in real perspective our own doubts. We keep on believing only because that’s been the known reality since time immemorial. This holds true about Taj Mahal. It’s popular, across the globe as symbol of true love. Whether it’s President of any nation or common man from a different part of the globe, they all love to get their selfies silhouetted against the backdrop of the Taj Mahal. It’s high time we become aware of infamous facets of Taj Mahal and shatter rhetoric strengthened by movies and sponsored literature!  

One of the flaws of education system in India is that it has made analytical abilities of Indian students inherently remain in awe of myths created by Western scholars. Anyway, the suppressed truth about Taj Mahal is that Empress Mumtaz had 14 children and she died due to postpartum hemorrhage after her last childbirth. This fact which appears in A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluation”, edited by Christopher B-Lynch, got new lease of life when Dr. Anant Kumar,  Assistant Professor, Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, substantiated it with new findings in his research paper titled “Monument of Love or Symbol of Maternal Death: The Story Behind the Taj Mahal.

In fact in the eyes of Nobel Laureate V. S. Naipaul Taj Mahal is “only despot’s monument to a woman”. Naipaul, trashing the popular perceptions, dares to expose the misdeeds of Muslim rulers in India: “Mosque on temple: ruin on ruin. This is the North”. He was candid in confessing that magnificent buildings built during Mughal period were symbolic of “personal plunder”. Naipaul, shattering the romantic illusions pervading the Taj Mahal, hailed it as ‘wasteful’- “The Taj is so wasteful, so decadent and in the end so cruel that I found it painful to be there for very long. This is an extravagance that speaks about the blood of the people.” The sentiments of V S Naipaul might appear against the secular spirit of nation forcing writers like William Darymple to give way to a knee jerk reaction that historical knowledge of V S Naipaul was flawed.

How can you ignore the harsh truth stated by Naipaul even if you are able to show Muslim rulers in better light? What so wrong about it when Naipaul says that “when you see so many Hindu temples of the 10th century or earlier disfigured, defaced, you realise that something terrible happened. I feel that the civilisation of that closed world was mortally wounded by those invasions … The Old World is destroyed. That has to be understood. Ancient Hindu India was destroyed.”

Let’s come to standard historical findings unearthed by Dr. Anant Kumar in his research work. After delving deep into historical records he stated that “physiological causes of Arjumand’s death were postpartum haemorrhage, anaemia and repeated child bearing without birth spacing.” Arjumand Banu Begum got married to Shah Jahan at the age of 19 and she died at age of 39 on 17th June 1631. In between she had 13 children and she died while giving birth to 14th child. Dr. Anant Kumar suggest that ” 2 1/2 years to 3 years between births” was totally ignored largely because of “social-cultural and religious cause”. “Being a follower of Islam, it must have been difficult for a woman to think about contraception and pregnancy regulation.”  Interestingly, almost at the same time, in different part of the globe ‘a medical doctor Johan von Hoorn started midwifery school in Stockholm in 1708’.

In the light of above-mentioned facts are we still going to treat Taj Mahal as symbol of love? Even if it’s about true love, it’s also equally about lack of conscious approach towards health of woman. It’s about romance mired in bloodshed and acts of vandalism.

The Taj is so wasteful, so decadent and in the end so cruel that I found it painful to be there for very long. This is an extravagance that speaks about the blood of the people. (V S Naipaul)

The Taj is so wasteful, so decadent and in the end so cruel that I found it painful to be there for very long. This is an extravagance that speaks about the blood of the people. (V S Naipaul)


Monument of Love or Symbol of Maternal Death: The Story Behind the Taj Mahal

A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluation

V.S. Naipaul: Critical Essays

Trapped in the ruins

Pics Credit:

Pic One

Pic Two

Defending Smriti Irani: Rotten Academic Degrees Do Not Define Worth Of Intelligence!

It's performance that matters!

It’s performance that matters!

It’s pathetic that Congress party can go to any extent to embarrass ministers belonging to newly formed NDA government. It has questioned the ability of Smriti Irani to handle HRD department citing her academic credentials. In this regard, it needs to be stated emphatically that intelligence is not limited to rotten degrees alone! Read life sketch of great minds and one would notice that they were dropouts. And as I say so neither I am advocating futility of studying nor I am quashing worth of degrees. I am simply adding a different perspective!! Our former PM Manmohan Singh ji had brilliant academic record and he possessed prestigious degrees offered by foreign universities. However, this general feeling now rules the minds of electorates that his prestigious degrees were of little use as they did no good in solving major issues plaguing the nation. It’s so ironical that Congress members are not aware of the fact that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!

An interesting conversation in this regard took place on various social media sites.  I am posting here views of some of the participants for my readers.


Rajesh Sharma said:

Educated lot is more stupid and unrealistic because they are not street smart!  Educated people are making more mess in every field. Uneducated lot is involved in corruption in conventional manner which can be traced but ones committed by educated lot involves hi-tech means and thus remains untraceable.  Highly educated  ministers in previous UPA government like Kapil Sibal, A Raja and others remained hand in glove with controversial forces instead of taking appropriate decisions to serve the interest of nation. They simply viewed the Indian issues from Western perspective! Most of the IIT Graduate are supporting Arvind Kejriwal who introduced a welcome move of distributing tickets to uneducated people belonging to lower echelon of society.


Suresh Ram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, said:

Please understand the difference between “Structured Academic Education of West” and “Knowledge imparted by system”. Politics is all about society and people. Guru imparts Knowledge and Professors of premier institutes like IITs, IIMs and AIIMS are academicians only are at the beck and call of Irani only! It is high time educated fools understand that they are fools involved in fooling common man!! It is like fire brigade on way to “Putting down Burning Flames of India” is attempting to sweep the dirt on the road leading to spot. And claim dirt should be removed. Why are you objecting??

Mra Satish Awaiting Justice, Thane, Maharashtra, said:

Dr. Shashi Tharoor, though only a Minister of State, performed eggscellently in MEA / HRD etc. in the previous government, looked after cricket and love affairs etc. free for the country, side by side. All the world loves a lover. So maybe he was not booked also for certain matter, in which common man with family taken into immediate custody and harassed. So for higher Cabinet ranked Smriti, it sure can’t be easy, if one compares!

Hariharan Subramanian, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, said:

Why not Smriti for HRD? For a minister what is important is decision making at right time and at right place with the help of officials. A minister’s task is to intercept the best idea, which he/she can easily do after entering into consultation with experts.

Vivek Deveshwar, IITian, Bangalore, Karnataka, said:

Maybe professors need to join politics and become minister. BTW, IITs are nowhere in global rankings and research output.

Gursharn Singh, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, said:

Uneducated lot have the same potential as the educated lot. They have performed well whenever they got an opportunity. It’s time to harness their potential. We should not jump to rash conclusion stating the appointment of Smriti Irani a blunder.

Sara Chimthanawala, Nagpur, Maharastra, said:

Education is not only College Degrees, it is the knowledge & wisdom one acquires with the various situations & events in life. I am not saying that college degrees are not necessary, of course they are mandatory, specially in today’s competitive world. History shows that most of the brilliant minds & discoverers etc are not graduates, but they left a mark in the world & a trail for us to follow. Let’s “Think out of box ” as they say & give this lady a chance to prove herself. Let us not sit on judgement even before the goods are delivered, let us keep doing our best & bring glory to our country.

Sunil Kohli, New Delhi, said:

Our former PM had so many qualifications but of what use?  Bill gates,who is hardly educated, created wonders. What matters is how and how much you deliver. Yes if you don’t deliver then people will find loopholes. Congress did not deliver as expected by people. So people started digging the past of Sonia Gandhi but that was not so when UPA came to power in 2004. Old saying: If company of books makes you educated then librarian would have been the most educated person. Similarly, if degrees could make you perform then Man Mohan Singhji should have been the most successful PM. Therefore, its performance, performance and performance.

A king had no woman in his cabinet. So he inducted one. One day the cabinet ministers went for boating. Centre of the river the boat capsized. This woman minister ran over water, brought another boat and saved every one. Next day the male members complained to the king “Sir, what type of minister have you inducted in to your cabinet!! She doesn’t even know how to swim.”

Bhanu Prakash said:

I think development matters more than entering into debate about being educated or uneducated!

Yaksh Nigam, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, said:

I can prove that, educated persons are more dangerous that the uneducated ones. A leader should be good from heart and not only academically good.

Sanjeev Sharma, Jalandhar, Punjab, said:

Tell us what should be the qualification of a Defence or Home or Finance or HRD minister?  She is quite a capable lady. A  good manager need not to be a management graduate.

Rupesh Masand said:

As very rightly said, it’s ‘performance’ in the end of the day & educational qualifications don’t seem to influence it. So dear friends, let’s wait and watch Smriti handle the proceedings (though handling IIT & IIM might be a real tough job!!!!), rather being judgmental from Day One.

Ritesh Kumar Tiwari, Pune, Maharashtra, said:

Do people belonging to IIT and IIM have more brains?

Rohan Dharesh, Bangalore, Karnataka, said:

Formal education is a complete failure and we see this in real life. People who get high ranks fail in real life. Theory and practical is totally different. Indian education system is based on Lord Macaulay’s prescription for slave countries but the Nehruvian constitution has continued with it shamelessly. We need to kick out this system of education that is all about corruption, donations, extortion, marks and passing exams. Today’s textbook theories and postulates have no place in real life. Albert Einstein was a dropout; so were most of the great people. This stands as evidence that western form of education is flawed.

Manmohan Singh Ji had umpteen degrees and doctorates and the way he would govern was horrible. Every speech of his was written and prepared by his secretaries and his voice was so meek that he himself would hardly be able to hear. His degrees taught him that the poor are responsible for inflation, that money does not grow on trees, that minorities had the first right to natural resources, that history would be kinder to him etc. Manmohan has proved to be the worst PM ever and even the Pakistan PM called him Dehati Aurat!

If we really believe in independence, then we need to change the education system immediately from the Macaulay slave system of education to that better suited to an independent country. We need to get rid of western concepts of exams, marks, extortion in the name of education. IITs and IIMs need to be reformed and Indianised from the present Westernisation.

 It's so ironical that Congress members are not aware of the fact that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

It’s so ironical that Congress members are not aware of the fact that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!


Congress Criticizes Appointment Of Smriti Irani

Pics Credit:

Pic One

Pic Two

The Politics Of Rape In India

Mulayam Singh Yadav: Sometimes even wrong people say right things!

Mulayam Singh Yadav: Sometimes even wrong people say right things!

In early 80s one of the popular Hindi flicks revolved around a sensational theme wherein a girl accused a boy of attempting to rape her when she got caught during the seduction stage. As a result of that false accusation, the boy became victim of deep psychological disorder for lifelong. Similarly, a blockbuster Hindi movie released in early 90s shows the protagonist teaching a fitting lesson to her ladylove, who tries to take a revenge by feigning rape! The protagonist makes her very clear that a lady should not stoop down at this level wherein a sexual offence becomes a weapon to settle personal grudges. Not a long back ago the Supreme Court refused to grant relief to a girl who had feigned rape, which led to trial of two innocent youths. They had to ‘suffer the ignominy’ of being involved in such a serious offence!

The Supreme Court in his verdict, without mincing words, stated that  ‘evil of perjury’ has assumed alarming proportions and, therefore, girl deserves no sympathy for maliciously setting the law in motion. “It was a settled position in law that so far as sexual offences are concerned, sanctity is attached to a victim’s statement and that the evidence of victim alone is sufficient for the purpose of conviction if it is found to be reliable, cogent and credible.” It’s ludicrous that an absurd hue and cry is being made over Mulayam Singh Yadav’s alleged rape remarks. Before entering into interpretation of his remarks, it would not be offensive to state that there are few takers, including myself, of type of caste-ridden politics played by Mulyam Singh Yadav, Lalu Yadav and Mayawati. They are icons of regressive tendencies in Indian politics, who never allowed their followers to truly embrace progressive ideals. That’s the reason why Uttar Pradesh is still struggling hard to emerge as a developed state!

One needs to be sufficiently cautious while interpreting remarks of Mulyam Singh Yadav. True, his statement “boys…make mistakes” need to be severely condemned as it trivializes the gravity of a serious offence like rape. However, that’s not the only remark he made. One of the flaws committed by Indian and foreign journalists is that they tend to rely more on sensationalism and as a result of that they misquote and misinterpret serious remarks. That’s not only against the spirit of ethics based journalism but such tendencies also lead to volatile situation in various circles of society. I am sure that an ace politician like Mulyam Singh Yadav would have got his intent right when he pointed out a disturbing trend in Indian society, wherein sexual offences have become a tool to serve vested interests.

 If law makers are truly interested in equity based legal system then their prime task should be to make laws gender neutral!

If law makers are truly interested in equity based legal system then their prime task should be to make laws gender neutral!

The mainstream media eager to cash-in-on the controversial remark failed to highlight the other portion of his speech wherein he stated that “those filing false reports will also be taken to task” so as to stop the misuse of anti-rape law. The mainstream media, controlled by the feminist forces, very shrewdly suppressed this part of the alleged speech. He was demanding a change in anti-rape law not because “boys make mistake” but because its misuse has attained alarming proportions: “Boys and girls fall in love but due to differences they fall apart later on. When their friendship ends, the girl complains she has been raped.” This statement needs to be interpreted in light of  scenario prevailing in present day Indian society marred by perverse tendencies even if one has no place for brand of politics played by likes of Mulayam and Mayawati! This time a wrong person has said a right thing. Why are we hell bent to ignore a harsh reality of present age wherein women are not hesitant to put at stake their own dignity if that suits their interests?

Interestingly, cinema is said to be the mirror of society. The filmmakers were far ahead unlike the lawmakers, having their mindset caught in time-warp, in anticipating the disturbing changes in approach of modern Indian women. Unlike the lawmakers who remained glued to perception of “abla nari” (a woman is too innocent and weak to commit any wrong), the filmmakers were bold enough to depict newer trends emerging among women fraternity (refer to movies like Undertrial, Aitraaz, Corporate and etc.). It’s a very recent phenomenon that Supreme Court has taken cognizance of misuse of dowry laws besides being worried about growing trend of perjury cases while dealing with sexual offences. However, it’s quite ironical and travesty of present day grim tendencies that new anti-rape law has no place for gender-neutral provisions. That’s quite shocking. That means law still believes that only men could be perpetrators! How long are the lawmakers going to behave like ostriches having their heads buried in sand?

Needless to state that nobody is suggesting, or rather no one wants that people guilty of sexual offences of serious types should remain above stringent punishment. However, at the same time, it’s also pertinent that fair sex involved in  unfair practise of misusing laws should not be allowed to get off scot free. At the same time if law makers are truly interested in equity based legal system then their prime task should be to make laws gender neutral. What’s the point in nurturing illusions of medieval ages? They need to take clue from filmmakers, who are at least honest enough to portray real face of Indian society as it is (even if they do so to ensure flow of cash)! And the journalistic circle should better restrain themselves from viewing everything from political angle. That would augur well for the welfare of Indian society. The media should be more governed by truth than by falsehood, confusion, and twisted truth sponsored by the corrupt feminist forces! It’s really pathetic that biased mainstream media is averse to anything remotely serving the cause of men and is quick to nasty interpretations of well-meaning sentiments. And it’s even more sadder to notice that even social media remained concentrated on personal attacks rather than framing a more logical perspective!

Justice Dhingra: New Anti-rape law could be misused!

Justice Dhingra: New Anti-rape law could be misused!


The Times of India

New York Daily News

Anti-rape law

False Rape Case

Supreme Court On Misuse of Rape Law

Pics Credit:

Pic One

Pic Two

Pic Three

Allahabad: City Of True Beauty, Real Romance And Mysticism (Photo Feature Part 2)

Many find Allahabad a very tough place to live an honourable life. That’s because  even though it came to enjoy a wonderful divine legacy, it never  ensured  a desired vibrancy for average souls. It never created any scope for living a truly fun-filled life, being all the time involved in dry intellectual activities.  Lack of  proper encouragement on the part of city towards its vast pool of talented brains have now given way to brain drain sort of affair. Many great souls remained an unsung hero in this city. However, what’s amazing is that it keeps on producing great souls at a regular interval! In nutshell, it’s a city of true beauty, real romance and mysticism. The city teaches you how to remain true to life in a real way, making it very clear to any conscious soul that life is not a bed of roses and it is meant to discover new mysteries of nature. Naturally, average souls running after money, fame, beautiful girl, big house, big car and many other cosmetic affairs would always feel disappointed to be part of this city. Having said that, I hope this city learns to truly honour its exceptional souls and also learns to be bit more blissful!  


That's one of the major Lord Hanuman Ji's  temple situated in the heart of the city.. Anyway, it's so ironic to see love birds engaged in romantic talks at this place  :P

That’s one of the major Lord Hanuman Ji’s temples situated in the heart of the city.. Anyway, it’s so ironic to see love birds engaged in romantic talks at this place 😛

The Streets Of Civil Lines Makes People Of Other Areas Jealous :P

The Streets Of Civil Lines Make People Of Other Areas Jealous 😛

Hard To Forget This Guy...During university days, I came to buy so many  greta classics, costly magazines at very reasonable rates..And this person made way for all sorts of desired adjustment.  He proudly told me that someone from Times of India also came to click image of  his magazine corner...This shop is hot favourite among  students!  Although Internet has affected the sales.

Hard to forget this guy…During university days, I came to buy so many great classics, costly magazines at very reasonable rates..And this person made way for all sorts of desired adjustment. He proudly told me that someone from Times of India also came to click image of his magazine corner…This shop is hot favourite among students! Although Internet has affected the sales, it was good to anticipate the great spirit of his father, also seen in the pic, who digested the change in philosophical way. Now that’s called wisdom!

Quite a romantic place to have tea!  It's adjacent Company Garden!

Quite a romantic place to have tea! It’s adjacent Company Garden!


When I say it's a romantic place I really mean it too..Just close to this tea shop in Civil Lines are we have many beautiful plant nurseries.. So the air is full of fragrance :P

When I say it’s a romantic place I really mean it too..Just close to this tea shop in Civil Lines area we have many beautiful plant nurseries.. So the air is full of fragrance 😛

Allahabad Museum Inside Chandra Shekhar Azad Park ( Alfred Park or Company Garden). This musuem displays the vehicle which carried the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi for immersion at Sangam and many other articles of great historical significance!

Allahabad’s museum inside Chandra Shekhar Azad Park (Alfred Park or Company Garden). This museum displays the vehicle which carried the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi for immersion at Sangam and many other articles of great historical significance!

This park established in the memory of great revolutionary  Chandra Shekhar Azad is now favourite place for morning walkers living in the heart of city.. In the noon time, one notices  new- age romance :P Anyway, it's a great place for an outsider wishing some isolated hours!

This park established in the memory of great revolutionary Chandra Shekhar Azad is now favourite place for morning walkers living in the heart of city.. In the noon time, one notices new- age romance 😛 Anyway, it’s a great place for an outsider wishing some isolated hours!

At such places, like this old man, one gets lost in deepest memories hidden in subconsciousness!

At such places, like this old man, one gets lost in deepest memories hidden in subconsciousness!

Company Garden has the honour of having this wonderful  Government Public Library.  This majestic building built in Gothic style was designed by R. Roskell Bayne.  This building is of immense significance since here only Legislative Council for the North Western Province and Oudh held its first meeting on January 8, 1887.  Let's not forget it was capital city from of United Provinces from 1902 to 1920! Anyway, I am happy that in my college days and even now I am the most frequent visitor!

Company Garden has the honour of having this wonderful Government Public Library. This majestic building built in Gothic style was designed by R. Roskell Bayne. This building is of immense significance since here only Legislative Council for the North Western Province and Oudh held its first meeting on January 8, 1887. Let’s not forget that Allahabad was capital city  of United Provinces from 1902 to 1920! Anyway, I am happy that in my college days I was the most frequent visitor! Even now also I can be seen here 😛

It's not that one notices only romance in parks..Here most of such parks are occupied by serious students preparing for competitive examinations!

It’s not that one notices only romance in parks..In Allahabad most of such parks are occupied by serious students preparing for competitive examinations!

And those students who are not studying inside Company Park are seen ferociousely involved in Cricket match :P ..This is the biggest park of Allahabad.

And those students who are not studying inside Company Park are seen ferociously involved in Cricket match 😛 ..This is the biggest park of Allahabad.

Just see the vastness of the park that many teams are playing at the same time :P :P :P

Just see the vastness of the park that many teams are playing at the same time 😛 😛 😛

Saint Joseph's College View Which Lies Adjacent To Company Garden :P

Saint Joseph’s college  which lies adjacent to Company Garden 😛

That's the road which connects Company Garden To Civil Lines-the heart of  city dominated by glamour and modernity!

That’s the road which connects Company Garden with  Civil Lines-the heart of city dominated by glamour and modernity!

The Mall Culture In Civil Lines!

The Mall Culture In Civil Lines!

Well, this new age glamour does attract me but not for long!

Well, this new age glamour does attract me but not for long!

Statue of Subhas Chandra Bose Amidst Mall Culture :P

Statue of Subhas Chandra Bose Amidst Mall Culture 😛

Laxmi Book House Is First Choice Of Any Journalist! By the way, how many times do you notice cinema hall and prominent magazine/newspaper corner close to each other :P :P :P

Laxmi Book House is first choice of any journalist! By the way, how many times do you notice cinema hall and prominent magazine/newspaper corner close to each other 😛 😛 😛

Palace Theatre enjoys a great place in the memories of all good cinema lovers. It's one of the oldest theaters in the city. However, it's old charm has given way to this new modern appearance ! My choice also witnessed drastic changes  from "Thodi Se Bewafai" (1980) to " Ship of Thesus" (2012)  at this Palace :P :P :P

Palace Theater enjoys a great place in the memories of all good cinema lovers. It’s one of the oldest theaters in the city. However, its old charm has given way to this new modern appearance ! My choice also witnessed drastic changes from “Thodi Se Bewafai” (1980) to ” Ship of Thesus” (2012) at this Palace Theater 😛 😛 😛

However, this historic cinema hall in old Allahbad, Niranjan, failed to start again.  This hall needs to be rennovated at the earliest.  Two prominet movies which I came to see when they got realeasd were Richard Attenborough's Gandhi(1982) and Steven Spielber's Jurassic Park (1993).

However, this historic cinema hall in old Allahbad, Niranjan, failed to start again. This hall needs to be renovated at the earliest. Two prominent movies which I came to see here when they got released were Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi(1982) and Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park (1993).

Indian Coffee House enjoys a special place in hearts of all literary class.  It has witnessed many great literary and political figures carving a niche for themselves at global level since late 50s!

Indian Coffee House enjoys a special place in hearts of all literary class. It has witnessed many great literary and political figures carving a niche for themselves at global level since late 50s!

Resting place of capitalist forces :P

Resting place of capitalist forces 😛

Worried about your future :P Consult him in Civil Lines under this tree :P

Worried about your future 😛 Consult this astrologer  at Civil Lines under this tree 😛

A Tree taken aback by pomp and show at Civil Lines :-(

A Tree taken aback by pomp and show at Civil Lines 😦

Public Service Commission - an office where my father worked as an officer. And we lived in the residence situated on the huge campus of this office. Later, we shifted to Lucknow branch of the same office! Allahabad is city devoted to prominent government offices in Uttar Pradesh. Civil Lines area is mainly occupied by such government institutions.

Public Service Commission – an office where my father worked as an officer. And we lived in the residence situated on the huge campus of this office. Later, we shifted to Lucknow branch of the same office! Allahabad is city devoted to prominent government offices in Uttar Pradesh. Civil Lines area is mainly occupied by such government institutions.

Allahabad is also known for coaching institutes!!

Allahabad is also known for coaching institutes!!

And that's the place where I work:  Allahabad High Court :P

And that’s the place where I work: Allahabad High Court 😛

Greenery is in abundance at Allahabad High Court :P :P :P

Greenery is in abundance at Allahabad High Court 😛 😛 😛

Nearly all newspapers have their offices in Civil Lines area. However, Northern India Patrika's  office holds a special place in my heart.  This is one of the oldest newspapers in India which started in year 1868. It was then named Amrita Bazar Patrika.  Today, all good news editors and journalists are by-products of this newspaper.  Today it's not that financially successful but editors like V.S. Datta have kept its standards high.  V.S Datta, seniormost jourmalist from Allahabad, is its editor since early 60s. And when my first article appeared in print in this newspaper he was the one responsible for its publication. I owe a lot to him for all my accomplishments to him as a writer/journalist. May Lord give him long life and good health!

Nearly all newspapers have their offices in Civil Lines area. However, Northern India Patrika’s office holds a special place in my heart. This is one of the oldest newspapers in India which started in year 1868. It was then named Amrita Bazar Patrika. Today, all good news editors and journalists are by-products of this newspaper. Today it’s  financially not that successful but editors like V.S. Datta have kept its standards high. V.S Datta, senior-most journalist from Allahabad, is its editor since early 60s. And when my first article appeared in print in this newspaper in year 1995 he was the one responsible for its publication. I owe a lot to him for all my accomplishments  as a writer/journalist. May Lord give him long life and good health!

A Journalistic road..The road running parallel to Patrika House!

A Journalistic road..The road running parallel to Patrika House!

Lawyer's Hanuman Temple :P :P :P It's situated close to Allahabad High Court.  Most of the lawyers firts have Hanumanji's blessing and then proceed towards their respective chambers :P :P :P ...Well, it's time for now to take a litle break before I come back with Part three of photo feature related with Allahabad :-)

Lawyer’s Hanuman Temple 😛 😛 😛 It’s situated close to Allahabad High Court. Most of the lawyers first have Hanumanji’s blessing and then proceed towards their respective chambers 😛 😛 😛 …

Geeta Niketan Temple In Tula Ram Bagh!

Geeta Niketan Temple In Tula Ram Bagh!


These areas are so over-crowded that one thinks twice before paying a vist ! This place is called Kotha Parcha. Courtesy telphone department that I have to come here to buy phone related instruments quite often :-(

These areas are so over-crowded that one thinks twice before paying a visit ! This place is called Kotha Parcha. Courtesy Telephone Department that I have to come here quiet often to buy phone related instruments  😦

One of the busiest rail bridge!

One of the busiest rail bridge!

Pathar Chatti Ramleela Committee's Venue which hosts many programmes related with cause of Hindus! It's situated in Ram Bagh area of Allahabad.

Pathar Chatti Ramleela Committee’s Venue which hosts many programmes related with cause of Hindus! It’s situated in Ram Bagh area of Allahabad.

This Hanumanji's temple in Rambagh is also quite well-known temple in Allahabad :-) Hanumanji rocks in Allahabad :P

This Hanumanji’s temple in Rambagh is also quite well-known temple in Allahabad 🙂 Hanumanji rocks in Allahabad 😛

Cute Street At Rambagh!

Cute Street At Rambagh!

It's a place which gives rise to new doctors :P :P :P

It’s a place which gives rise to new doctors 😛 😛 😛

Allahabad has proper roads, any doubt?  :P :P

Allahabad has proper roads, any doubt? 😛 😛

Theosophical Society in Allahabad. " Blavatsky portrayed the Theosophical Society as being part of one of many attempts throughout the millennia by this hidden Hierarchy to guide humanity – in concert with the overall Intelligent Cosmic Evolutionary scheme – towards its ultimate, immutable evolutionary objective: the attainment of perfection and the conscious, willing participation in the evolutionary process."

Theosophical Society in Allahabad. ” Blavatsky portrayed the Theosophical Society as being part of one of many attempts throughout the millennia by this hidden Hierarchy to guide humanity – in concert with the overall Intelligent Cosmic Evolutionary scheme – towards its ultimate, immutable evolutionary objective: the attainment of perfection and the conscious, willing participation in the evolutionary process.”


Roads teach you a lot!

Roads teach you a lot!

This place bears testimony to meeting of Rishi Bharadwaj with Lord Rama...However, this park is nowadays chosen spot of lovers :P ..Anyway, meeting of Sri Rama, Sri Vishnu's incarnation,  would always remain one of the most significant moment in the history of Prayag!

This place bears testimony to meeting of Rishi Bharadwaja with Lord Rama…However, this park is nowadays chosen spot of lovers 😛 ..Anyway, meeting of Sri Rama, Sri Vishnu’s incarnation, with Rishi Bharadwaja would always remain one of the most significant moments in the history of Prayag!


Sometimes some places in Allahabad give you the feeling that you are moving in Kashi :-)

Sometimes some places in Allahabad give you the feeling that you are moving in Kashi 🙂

That's the ancestral home of India's first prime minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru which Indians know as Anand Bhawan. It played a significant role in Indian freedom movement. That's why visitors never miss this place :-)

That’s the ancestral home of India’s first prime minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru which Indians know as Anand Bhawan. It played a significant role in Indian freedom movement. That’s why visitors never miss this place 🙂

Hope new generation gets right message from being at such places. This place also has a  famous planetarium.

Hope new generation gets right message from being at such places. This place also has a famous planetarium.

Places like Anand Bhawan are not picnic spots but these places are now best remembered for spending few hours in fun-filled way..Anyway, historical legacy  has ensured survival of these small shopkeepers selling eatables!

Places like Anand Bhawan are not picnic spots but these places are now best remembered for spending few hours in fun-filled way..Anyway, historical legacy has ensured survival of these small shopkeepers selling eatables!

P.S. :- The copyright of these images rests with the author of this post. Anybody making use of them without prior permission of the author, or without giving due credit to the author, could be penalized as per legal norms.


Allahabad: A City Wedded To Realism (Photo Feature Part One)

Allahabad: A City Wherein Global Salutes The Local (Photo Feature Part 3)







Allahabad: A City Wedded To Realism (Photo Feature Part One)

Allahabad enjoys a glorious legacy. It’s a city that has been dominated by best minds since time immemorial. Its ancient name Prayag is associated with Rishis (saints) and Devas (demigods) eager to have an opportunity to live in this city.  Sri Rama, incarnation of Lord Vishnu,  and, Sri Shankaracharya, incarnation of Lord Shiva,  both came to interact with this city in their own ways.  Needless to state about Kumbh Mela, which provides it a global appeal.  And who can forget its role in Independence movement? And in post- Independence  era, it still continues to dominate the course of this great nation by giving birth to remarkable thought patterns. Leading politicians, top bureaucrats, great literary figures and etc.  all belong to this city. This city wedded to realism is very very slow in embracing ultra-modern changes, but now it has  started accepting bizarre changes all in the name of being in tune with time!

Even Allahabad's Skyline Above A Busy Corner Of The City Speak About Saints :-)

Even Allahabad’s Skyline Above A Busy Corner Of The City Speaks About Saints 🙂

This city has imbibed secular spirt so well without any adherence to so-called secularism demonstrated my modern India's so-called secular leaders. It's beauitul Central Methodist church located in Civil Lines.

This city has imbibed secular spirit so well without any adherence to so-called secularism demonstrated by modern India’s so-called secular leaders. It’s beautiful Central Methodist church located in Civil Lines.

Another beautiful church located in Allahabad called "All Saints Cathedral" ( Patthar Girja)!  Designed by William Emerson this church depicts Gothic style.

Another beautiful church located in Allahabad called “All Saints Cathedral” (Patthar Girja)! Designed by William Emerson this church depicts Gothic style.

A Busy Street In Chowk Area. It's always a great rush here!

A Busy street in Chowk Area. It’s always a great rush here!

Another corner of Chowk Area.  This area comes in old Allahabad.

Another corner of Chowk area. This area comes in old Allahabad.

Don't be confused! It's not a  gali of Benaras. It's Allahabad's Loknath Ki Gali :-) Here too, like Varanasi's gali, you would find Lord Shiva, Bull, Bhaang, Mithai, Chaat and sea of people :P :P :P

Don’t be confused! It’s not a gali of Benaras. It’s Allahabad’s Loknath Ki Gali 🙂 Here too, like Varanasi’s gali, you would find Lord Shiva, Bull, Bhaang, Mithai, Chaat and sea of people 😛 😛 😛

Yum! Yum! Yum! Sweets being made in Loknath Ki Gali. It's called Imarti :P :P :P

Yum! Yum! Yum! Sweets being made in Loknath Ki Gali. It’s called Imarti 😛 😛 😛

Parrots on sale :P

Parrots on sale 😛


This is Baldau's famous newspaper corner at very busy crossing of Johnstonganj :-) These two brothers  started this shop in late 90s and even in era of Internet they have done well to retain the flow of customers!

This is Baldau’s famous newspaper corner at very busy crossing of Johnstonganj 🙂 These two brothers started this shop in late 90s and even in era of Internet they have done well to retain the flow of customers!

And here Lord is on sale..I mean their images :P :P :P

And here Lord is on sale..I mean their images 😛 😛 😛

Hot Popcorns :P :P  Garma Garam Aur Karare :P :P

Hot Popcorns 😛 😛 Garma Garam Aur Karare 😛 😛

It's the place which defines the existence of Prayag..It's the place which bears testimony to one of the largest gatherings on planet earth called as Kumbh Mela..This is Sangam area, which is confluence of three rivers, namely, Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati!

It’s the place which defines the existence of Prayag..It’s the place which bears testimony to one of the largest gatherings on planet earth called as Kumbh Mela..This is Sangam area, which is confluence of three rivers, namely, Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati!

Visitors from distant lands arrive at this divine place :-)

Visitors from distant lands arrive at this divine place 🙂

These are Pandas-the people who perform religious rituals on banks of rivers...

Usually one finds  Pandas beneath such constructions-the people who perform religious rituals on banks of rivers…However, at this time, we are noticing only the devotees 😛

Well, it's a great feeling to be at this place...It fills you with positive energy!!

Well, it’s a great feeling to be at this place…It fills you with positive energy!!


Evening Hours At Sangam :-) So Beautiful :-)

Evening Hours At Sangam 🙂 So Beautiful 🙂

On Road To Sangam :P

On Road To Sangam 😛

During Mela time It's absolutely  jam-packed !

During Mela time it’s absolutely jam-packed!

This routes are created during Mela days to allow  smooth passage of vehicles!

These routes are created during Mela days to allow smooth passage of vehicles!

Beautiful View Of The Sangam Area!

Beautiful View Of The Sangam Area!

Now That's The Place Which Millions Of Devotees Each Year :-)

Now That’s The Place Which Witnesses Millions Of Devotees Each Year 🙂

I also left my footprints here :-) :-) :-)

I also left my footprints here 🙂 🙂 🙂

 A Bird's Eye View Of The Sangam Area :P

A Bird’s Eye View Of The Sangam Area 😛

Glimpse of Devotees At This Place. They come from various parts of India in a hope to have their wishes fulfilled.  But not without taking a dip in the icy waters :P :P :P

Glimpse of devotees at this place. They come from various parts of India with a hope to have their wishes fulfilled. But not without taking a dip in the icy waters 😛 😛 😛

This Is Allahabad's Fort built  by great ruler King Ashoka! Now it's under the control of Indian Army!

This Is Allahabad’s Fort built by great ruler King Ashoka! Now it’s under the control of Indian Army!

This beautiful fort was repaired by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1583 AD !

This beautiful fort was repaired by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1583 A.D. !

This is famous Akshayavat Temple situated inside Allahabad Fort.  This temple has so many great stories associated with it from being the only place to survive during great annhilation of universe by the Lord to a place associated with visit of Lord Rama, Sita Maiyya and Lakshmana!

This is famous Akshayavat Temple situated inside Allahabad Fort. This temple has so many great stories associated with it from being the only place to survive during great annihilation of universe by the Lord to a place associated with visit of Lord Rama, Sri Sita Maiyya and Sri Lakshmana!

In Uttar Pradesh very few cities have beautiful roads :P

In Uttar Pradesh very few cities have beautiful roads 😛


This is Bade Hanuman Ji's Temple located in Sangam Area. It's an extremely popular temple among the devotees!  Notice the huge number of devotees at this place!  Interestingly, it believes that every year Hanumanji, who is in lying position in this temple, is made to have total bath by Ganges at least once :-)

This is Bade Hanuman Ji’s Temple located in Sangam Area. It’s an extremely popular temple among the devotees! Notice the huge number of devotees at this place! Interestingly, every year Sri Hanumanji, who is in lying position in this temple, is made to have total bath by Ganges at least once 🙂

Life around this temple. It's so colourful and serene :-)

Life around this temple. It’s so colourful and serene 🙂

These three fellows were having great arguments among themselves..Later they became friends :P :P :P

These three fellows were having great arguments among themselves..Later they became friends 😛 😛 😛

Modern upper class women might not be interested in buying any item from these shops but women from rural belts spend a long time on these shops to have their beauty enhanced :P

Modern upper class women might not be interested in buying any item from these shops but women from rural belts spend a long time on these shops to have their beauty enhanced 😛

This is a temple dedicated to Sri Adi Shankaracharya ji.  Sri Adi Shankara ji was India's greatest philosopher who added new dimensions in Advaita Darshana. This temple is managed by Shri Kanchi Kamkoti Peeth.

This is a temple dedicated to Sri Adi Shankaracharya ji. Sri Adi Shankara ji was India’s greatest philosopher who added new dimensions in Advaita Darshana. This temple is managed by Shri Kanchi Kamkoti Peeth.

Entrance  Gate Of This Temple.

Entrance Gate Of This Temple.

Various episodes from the life of  Sri Adi Shankara have been shown via images carved on the walls of the temple. In this one, we find him having a dialogue with another great philosopher of his times Kumarila Bhatta :-)

Various episodes from the life of Sri Adi Shankara have been shown via images carved on the walls of the temple. In this one, we find him having a dialogue with another great philosopher of his times Sri Kumarila Bhatta 🙂

Now who can forget Sri Adi Shankara's debate with Sri Mandana Misra- a great Hindu philosopher :-) :-) :-)

Now who can forget Sri Adi Shankara’s debate with Sri Mandana Misra– a great Hindu philosopher ?  🙂 🙂 🙂

Just close to this temple one would find this beautiful shop selling decorative items made of brass and other metals!

Just close to this temple one would find this beautiful shop selling decorative items made of brass and other metals!

It's a beautiful affair to have a lonely walk on these roads in Sangam Area :-)

It’s a beautiful affair to have a lonely walk on these roads in Sangam Area 🙂

Close to the Sangam area lies Allahbad's  Daraganj area. Allahbadi's best remember it for Niralaji's presence, who happened to be doyen of Hindi literature. Notice his statue behind the vegetable shop!

Close to the Sangam area lies Allahbad’s Daraganj area. Allahbadis best remember it for Niralaji’s presence, who happened to be doyen of Hindi literature. Notice his statue behind the vegetable shop!

The rustic feeling which one gets on being streets leading to Daraganj is quite unique :-)

The rustic feeling which one gets on being streets leading to Daraganj is quite unique 🙂

This street is bit cleaner without losing  its rustic appeal :P

This street is bit cleaner without losing its rustic appeal 😛

And Daraganj area has its own railway station. Small stations have their own unique charm :P

And Daraganj area has its own railway station. Small stations have their own unique charm 😛

And I also came to notice these very beautiful calves in Daraganj area :P :P :P

And I also came to notice these very beautiful calves in Daraganj area 😛 😛 😛

Daraganj area has many well-known temples. One of them is associated with Goddess Shakti: Alopi Ma's Temple.  During Navratris there is huge flow of devotees :-)

Daraganj area has many well-known temples. One of them is associated with Goddess Shakti: Alopi Devi’s Temple. During Navratris there is huge flow of devotees 🙂

Inside view of Sri Alopi Devi's Temple :-)

Inside view of Sri Alopi Devi’s Temple 🙂

Now how can Lord Krishna remain far behind :P :P This temple known as  Rupa Gaudiya Math is part of Vaishnava cult. It's learnt that  Srila Prabhupada took initiation here from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati ji Maharaja!  Jai Sri Krishna :P :P

Now how can Lord Krishna remain far behind 😛 😛 This temple known as Rupa Gaudiya Math is part of Vaishnava cult. It’s learnt that Srila Prabhupadaji  took initiation here from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati ji Maharaja! Jai Sri Krishna 😛 😛

And the life goes on in routine way on streets running parallel to this temple :-)

And the life goes on in routine way on streets running parallel to this temple 🙂

And I also came to notice this Sanskrit College Associated With Sampoornananda University, Varanasi :-)

And I also came to notice this Sanskrit College associated with Sampoornananda University, Varanasi, in Daraganj area 🙂

Have you tasted Dehati Rasgulla :P  If not, then it's time for you to taste them :P. My favourite shop lies in Bairahana area..During my college days, this was my favourite place for Rasgullas :P ...And notice the huge crowd :P

Have you tasted Dehati Rasgulla 😛 If not, then it’s time for you to taste them :P. My favourite shop lies in Bairahana area..During my college days, this was my favourite place for Rasgullas 😛 …And notice the huge crowd 😛

They taste really good :P...Just have them before I come back with Part 2 of photo feature associated with Allahabad :P :P

They taste really good :P…Just have them before I come back with Part 2 of photo feature associated with Allahabad 😛 😛

P.S. :- The copyright of these images rests with the author of this post. Anybody making use of them without prior permission of the author, or without giving due credit to the author, could be penalized as per legal norms.



Allahabad: City Of True Beauty, Real Romance And Mysticism (Photo Feature Part 2)

Allahabad: A City Wherein Global Salutes The Local (Photo Feature Part 3)









Is Aadhaar (Unique Identification Number) Too Dangerous?

Aadhaar: A Gate To Disaster?

Aadhaar: A Gate To Disaster?


The Aadhaar project started with great fanfare, but it’s now on the verge of meeting an untimely death. It became the converging point of great expectations, to an extent that it was hailed as image of “new and modern India”. That’s why  it created great chaos among middle classes, which like always, showed vain excitement to have it by hook or by crook, bothering least about the pros and cons of owning unique identity (UID). This project, bearing close resemblance to similar scheme in United Kingdom, was mired in contradictions right from the beginning. On the top of it, continuous conflicting statements from government, regarding its utility, kept the average mass guessing about its actual worth.

It needs to be informed that several experts in the West have already given enough signals that such project of this type having sensitive data based on biometrics could be used in a wrong way. In fact, they could be used to eliminate and target a large community not serving the interest of people in power. However, in countries like India, where we know how government agencies function, it’s always a great possibility that data could be misused, even if there is no such threat of this magnitude as apprehended by experts in West. It would be interesting to know that similar project in United Kingdom met tough resistance on part of British citizens for many years, which left British government with no other option other than to quash it. A report prepared by London School of Economics made mockery of  tall claims made by the government about its significance and it revealed that “biometrics was not a reliable method of de-duplication.”

However, neither the government nor Nandan Nilekani made Indian citizens aware of such serious flaws inherent in this project. On the contrary, it created tension by giving the impression that not owning it meant losing benefits and subsidies involved in various government run schemes. Ironically, just visit any camp where Aadhaar cards are being prepared and one would be taken aback by the mess which prevails there. It’s hard to believe that government has enough will power (forget about enough infrastructure)  to keep the data safe! I am sure ones whose data get stored either in wrong way or with wrong sorts of details would definitely face huge issues in coming days. Even at infrastructure level, the picture that emerges is quite threatening since its budget has increased phenomenally from nearly 32 billion rupees to over 88 billion rupees for coming phases.

That’s why Supreme Court’s judgement came as a whiff of fresh air. It directed the government not to make it mandatory for Indian citizens, and that it could not be a ground to deny services introduced by government. Above all, it made it clear that details collected by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) would not be shared by it with any other government agency without prior permission of the concerned individual. At this point, it would not be out of place to refer to Social Security Number (SSN) used in USA, which does not compromises with right to privacy. The most shocking thing is that despite strict provisions there to stop identity theft such cases keep happening there leading to huge revenue loss. Now imagine the state of affairs in India where rules can be easily manipulated to benefit the vested interests! Who would guarantee that data protection and privacy would always remain a top priority in India?

The Supreme Court made this observations in PIL filed by retired Karnataka High Court judge Justice KS Puttaswamy and Maj Gen (retd) SG Vombatkere which dealt with constitutional validity of Aadhaar. As per their counsel even if there was any statute to provide validity to this project, it would still be violation of Fundamental Rights under Articles 14 (right to equality) and 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Constitution. The project facilitating surveillance of individuals was a direct assault on the dignity of any individual. The main arguments rested upon these concerns: “…the (Aadhaar) project is also ultra vires because there is no statutory guidance (a) on who can collect biometric information; (b) on how the information is to be collected; (c) on how the biometric information is to be stored; (d) on how throughout the chain beginning with the acquisition of biometric data to its storage and usage, this data is to be protected; (e) on who can use the data; (f) on when the data can be used.” (As quoted in moneylife)

In fact, Goa case had already made it clear how could biometric data be used against the interests of any individual. In this case UIDAI had challenged  a decision of Goa Bench of Bombay High Court. It had  asked it to share biometric data with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) so that the case involving gang rape of a seven year old girl in Vasco reached to its logical culmination.

Anyway, the Supreme Court’s decision to not to make it mandatory is enough to make Indian citizens heave a sigh of relief. It’s high time that before government embarks upon sensitive project it needs to take enough measures to ensure its appropriateness, relevance and significance quite well.

How will it keep intact the privacy of an individual in such a huge country devoid of infrastructure?

How will it keep intact the privacy of an individual in such a huge country devoid of infrastructure?

आमिर खान: गम्भीर समस्याओ को समोसा चटनी न बनाये तो बेहतर होगा!

देश की फिक्र के लिए क्या बस ऐसे ही लोग मिले थें?

देश की फिक्र के लिए क्या बस ऐसे ही लोग मिले थें?

मुझे सत्यमेव जयते कार्यक्रम के फॉर्मेट से बेहद आपत्ति है. इस तरह के कार्यक्रम जटिल समस्यायों को सिर्फ समोसा -चटनी के सामान चटपटा बनाकर पेश करने का माध्यम बन गए है. इस से गम्भीर समस्या के और जटिल संस्करण उभर के आते है. आमिर टाइप के कलाकारो का क्या नुक्सान हुआ? कुछ नहीं: महँगी फीस बटोरो और तथाकथित जागरूक इंसान का अपने ऊपर ठप्पा लगवाकर चलते बनो और जा पहुचो देश की फिक्र करने किसी कोक-शोक की दूकान पर. ठेस और चोट उनको पहुचती है जिनकी संवेदनशीलता का भद्दा मजाक बनाकर इस तरह के कार्यक्रम सफलता के पायदान चढ़ते है. आमिर टाइप के लोग कलाकारी अगर बड़े परदे पर करे वही उनको शोभा देता है. गम्भीरता का पुतला बनने की कोशिश छोड़ दे. कम से कम आमिर टाइप के कलाकार ये कोशिश ना ही करे तो बेहतर होगा.

संवेदनशील मुद्दो की या देश की फिक्र करने के लिए इस देश में वास्तविक गम्भीर दिमागो की कोई कमी नहीं. फिर ये समझ से परे है कि दूरदर्शन जैसे सम्मानित सरकारी माध्यम क्यों इस तरह के सतही लोगो को गम्भीर मुद्दो पर विचार विमर्श करने के लिए बुलवाते है? एक बात और समझना बेहद जरूरी है: क्या गम्भीर समस्याओ को ग्लैमरस रूप देना जरूरी है? क्या यही एक सार्थक तरीका बचा है गम्भीर मुद्दो के साथ न्याय करने का? कुल मिला कर इस बात को महसूस करना बेहद जरूरी है कि अगर आप वाकई देश की फिक्र करते है तो उनका सम्मान करे जो सम्मान के योग्य है. इनको बुलाये और ये आपको बताएँगे कि किसी संवेदनशील मुद्दे पर क्या रूख रखना चाहिए. और अगर सही लोगो को बुलाकर चीज़ो को सही सन्दर्भ में समझने का धैर्य नहीं है तो कम से कम आमिर जैसे लोगो को बुलाकर गम्भीरता का मज़ाक ना बनवाये. इतना तो किया जा सकता है कि नहीं?

 अगर सही लोगो को बुलाकर चीज़ो को सही सन्दर्भ में समझने का धैर्य नहीं है तो कम से कम आमिर जैसे लोगो को बुलाकर गम्भीरता का मज़ाक ना बनवाये। इतना तो किया जा सकता है कि नहीं?

अगर सही लोगो को बुलाकर चीज़ो को सही सन्दर्भ में समझने का धैर्य नहीं है तो कम से कम आमिर जैसे लोगो को बुलाकर गम्भीरता का मज़ाक ना बनवाये। इतना तो किया जा सकता है कि नहीं?

पिक्स क्रेडिट:

तस्वीर प्रथम

विवाह कानून (संशोधन) विधेयक 2010: सरकार को पुरुष संघटनो की तरफ से कुछ बेहद महत्त्वपूर्ण सुझाव

इन अपूर्ण, गलत और भ्रामक संशोधनों को वापस लिया जाए. कानून को लिंगभेद से ऊपर रखा जाए (जेंडर न्यूट्रल), पति या पत्नी शब्द को जीवनसाथी (spouse) शब्द से सम्बोधित किया जाए.

इन अपूर्ण, गलत और भ्रामक संशोधनों को वापस लिया जाए. कानून को लिंगभेद से ऊपर रखा जाए (जेंडर न्यूट्रल), पति या पत्नी शब्द को जीवनसाथी (spouse) शब्द से सम्बोधित किया जाए.

पुरुष अधिकार से जुड़े  संघटनो की कुछ प्रमुख चिंताए:

* संशोधन का मूल प्रारूप (मुख्य बिन्दुएँ)- पतियो के खिलाफ पक्षपाती है.

* इस आधार पर तलाक मांग सकती है कि उसका दांपत्य जीवन ऐसी स्थिति में पहुंच गया है, जहां विवाह कायम रहना नामुमकिन है. ‘विवाह सम्बंध टूटने और किसी भी सूरत में रिश्ता बहाल न होने’ को भी तलाक एक आधार के रूप में मान्यता प्रदान किया गया है “हिंदू विवाह अधिनियम”, 1955, और स्पेशल मैरिज एक्ट, 1954 में. 

* पत्नी को हक़ है पति की तरफ से पेश तलाक़ याचिका को विरोध करने का इस आधार पर कि वो गहन आर्थिक संकट से ग्रस्त है. कोर्ट  इस गहन आर्थिक संकट से निज़ात दिलाने के प्रावधान अपने विवेक पर कर सकती है. (पतियो के संग पक्षपाती है)

* उन बच्चो के भरण पोषण का समुचित प्रबंध माता पिता के द्वारा उनकी आर्थिक हैसियत के अनुरूप जो अवैध संतति है.

संसदीय समिति- महिला संघटनो के द्वारा सुझाये गए प्रस्तावो से गलत तरह से प्रभावित है:

* ‘विवाह सम्बंध टूटने और किसी भी सूरत में रिश्ता बहाल न होने’ को भी तलाक एक आधार के रूप में मान्यता प्रदान करने की संस्तुति करना.

* महिला संघटनो के सुझावो से प्रेरित होकर उस वैवाहिक संपत्ति पर भी पत्नियों का अधिकार होगा जो विवाह के उपरांत अर्जित की गयी है दोनों के सहयोग से.

* पुरुष संघटनो के हर सुझावो की उपेक्षा की गयी.

कानून मंत्री द्वारा किये गए अन्य संशोधन- पुरुष हितो के विपरीत प्रावधानो की स्वीकृति:

* पत्नी का हिस्सा  उस संपत्ति पर जो विवाह के पूर्व और उपरान्त अर्जित की गयी है.

* पत्नी का हिस्सा पति के द्वारा अर्जित और अर्जित करने योग्य पैतृक संपत्ति में.

हमारी आपत्तियां: 

* पत्नी का कोई योगदान नहीं होता पति के द्वारा अर्जित पैतृक संपत्ति में और उस संपत्ति पर जो उसने शादी से पूर्व अर्जित की गयी है. उसको संज्ञान में लेकर प्रावधान बनाने की जरूरत नहीं.

* उस संपत्ति के बटवारे में कोई भी फैसला जो पति ने शादी के उपरांत अर्जित की है आँख मूँदकर गलत तरीक़े से नहीं होना चाहिए। पत्नी के योगदान का आकलन करना चाहिए। दो महीने की शादी और बीस साल की शादी की अवधि को एक ही मापदंड से नहीं देखा जा सकता.

* ये तर्क दोष से बाधित संशोधन है कि स्त्रियाँ शादी को नहीं तोड़ती. स्त्रियाँ ना सिर्फ शादी को तोड़ती है बल्कि कई बार शादी कर सकती है और  इस तरह पूर्व में की गयी हर एक शादी से संपत्ति अर्जित कर सकती है. इस तरह के कई उदाहरण आये दिन समाचार पत्रो में प्रकाशित होते रहते है जहा लालची पत्नियों ने धोखधड़ी से शादी करने के बाद संपत्ति पे अपना दावा पेश किया या फिर झूठे 498 A के मुकदमे दर्ज कराये संपत्ति की हवस में.

ये अब एक प्रचलित हथियार बन गया है कि हर नाकाम वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो में स्त्रियाँ  IPC 498 A और घरेलु हिंसा अधिनियम का व्यापक दुरुपयोग कर रही है संपत्ति हथियाने में. अब ये संशोधन भी एक प्रमुख औजार/ज़रिया बन जाएगा समाप्ति अर्जित करने के लिए.

ये अब एक प्रचलित हथियार बन गया है कि हर नाकाम वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो में स्त्रियाँ IPC 498 A और घरेलु हिंसा अधिनियम का व्यापक दुरुपयोग कर रही है संपत्ति हथियाने में. अब ये संशोधन भी एक प्रमुख औजार/ज़रिया बन जाएगा समाप्ति अर्जित करने के लिए.

इन संशोधनों के परिणाम/अंजाम:

* वैवाहिक वादो के गहन अध्ययन के बाद ये बात स्पष्ट उभर कर आई है कि ज्यादातर वैवाहिक विखंडन का कारण पत्नी का जबर्दस्ती उस संपत्ति पर हक़ जताना रहा है जो पति या उसके रिश्तेदारो ने अर्जित की होती है.

* विवाह अपने पवित्र संस्कारो से वंचित हो जायेंगे और ये सिर्फ संपत्ति अर्जित करने का श्रोत बन जायेंगे। ये अब धीरे धीरे एक परंपरा बनती जा रही है कि भौतिक लाभ की लालसा शादी के द्वारा बढ़ती जा रही है और इस तरह के गलत संशोधनों के व्यापक दुष्परिणाम उभर कर सामने आयेंगे। 

* ये अब एक प्रचलित हथियार बन गया है कि हर नाकाम वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो में स्त्रियाँ  IPC 498 A और घरेलु हिंसा अधिनियम का व्यापक दुरुपयोग कर रही है संपत्ति हथियाने में. अब ये संशोधन भी एक प्रमुख औजार/ज़रिया बन जाएगा समाप्ति अर्जित करने के लिए.

* संपत्ति का अर्जन कई वर्षो की मेहनत का परिणाम होते है ना कि कुछ वर्षो के वैवाहिक संग का. असफल वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो के चलते अपनी गाढ़ी कमाई से अर्जित संपत्ति से हाथ धोने के वजह से पतियो के आत्महत्या के दर में खासी वृद्धि देखी जायेगी जो कि पहले से ही पत्नियों के आत्महत्या के दर की दुगनी है. अपराध दर में भी इस वजह से वृद्धि देखी जायेगी।  

हमारे प्रस्ताव/सुझाव:

* इन अपूर्ण, गलत और भ्रामक संशोधनों को वापस लिया जाए. कानून को लिंगभेद से ऊपर रखा जाए (जेंडर न्यूट्रल), पति या पत्नी शब्द को जीवनसाथी (spouse) शब्द से सम्बोधित किया जाए.

* संपत्ति में हिस्सा पति और पत्नी के वित्तीय योगदान के आधार पर किया जाए.

* अगर वित्तीय योगदान शून्य है तो एक फॉर्मूले का ईज़ाद किया जाए जो शादी की न्यूनतम अवधि का आकलन करे संपत्ति के बॅटवारे के हेतु और उस एक फॉर्मूले का ईज़ाद हो जो योगदान के बारे में सही रूप से निरूपण कर सके.

* शादी से पूर्व इक़रारनामे (pre-nuptial agreement) को कानूनी मान्यता दी जाए. 

* इस बात को बहुत तीव्रता से महसूस किया जाता रहा है कि असफल वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो के चलते पत्नियों को गहरे वित्तीय संकट का सामना करना पड़ता है. विवाह एक संस्था है जो अगर ना चले तो एक लिए पुरस्कार (पत्नी) और एक लिए सजा नहीं होना चाहिए (पति). अगर पत्नी गहरे वित्तीय संकट का सामना कर रह है तो उसकी दूरी के लिए व्यापक प्रबंध किया जाना चाहिए ना कि निरीह पति को इसके लिए दण्डित किया जाना चाहिए. इस सन्दर्भ में हमारा सुझाव ये है है कि: 

# हिन्दू विवाह उत्तराधिकार एक्ट 2005 का कड़ाई से पालन किया जाना चाहिए. स्त्री का हिस्सा जो उसके माता-पिता के घर बनता है उसको या तो शादी के दौरान या तलाक़ की अर्जी देने के समय (किसी भी पक्ष के द्वारा) अपने आप दे देना चाहिए.  

# अगर स्त्री बेरोजगार है या जिसका कैरियर एक लम्बे अंतराल से बाधित हो गया हो तो इस तरह के महिलाओ के भरण पोषण की जिम्मेदारी और उन्हें रोजगार मुहैय्या कराने की जिम्मेदारी सरकार की होनी चाहिए बजाय इसके कि पति पर इस तरह का भार डाला जाए. इस तरह की पत्नियों के वित्तीय संकट दूर करने के लिए “तलाकशुदा पत्नी कल्याण कोष” का गठन किया जाना चाहिए।


This is Hindi version of a letter addressed to the Parliamentarians prepared by the Men’s Rights Association.The Hindi version has been prepared by the author of this blog post.

 संपत्ति का अर्जन कई वर्षो की मेहनत का परिणाम होते है ना कि कुछ वर्षो के वैवाहिक संग का. असफल वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो के चलते अपनी गाढ़ी कमाई से अर्जित संपत्ति से हाथ धोने के वजह से पतियो के आत्महत्या के दर में खासी वृद्धि देखी जायेगी जो कि पहले से ही पत्नियों के आत्महत्या के दर की दुगनी है. अपराध दर में भी इस वजह से वृद्धि देखी जायेगी।

संपत्ति का अर्जन कई वर्षो की मेहनत का परिणाम होते है ना कि कुछ वर्षो के वैवाहिक संग का. असफल वैवाहिक सम्बन्धो के चलते अपनी गाढ़ी कमाई से अर्जित संपत्ति से हाथ धोने के वजह से पतियो के आत्महत्या के दर में खासी वृद्धि देखी जायेगी जो कि पहले से ही पत्नियों के आत्महत्या के दर की दुगनी है. अपराध दर में भी इस वजह से वृद्धि देखी जायेगी।

Pics Credit:

Pic One

Pic Two 

Pic Three


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