साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार लौटाने की नौटंकी- तमाशा खूब है यारो!!

कुछ लेखको को देश में इस कदर असहिष्णुता के दर्शन होने लगे कि इन सभी ने पुरस्कार लौटाने की घोषणा कर दी. इस मानसिकता को समझना बहुत जरुरी है कि इनको वाकई बिगड़ते माहौल की फिक्र है या ये किसी तुच्छ राजनीति से प्रेरित है.

कुछ लेखको को देश में इस कदर असहिष्णुता के दर्शन होने लगे कि इन सभी ने पुरस्कार लौटाने की घोषणा कर दी. इस मानसिकता को समझना बहुत जरुरी है कि इनको वाकई बिगड़ते माहौल की फिक्र है या ये किसी तुच्छ राजनीति से प्रेरित है.

ये देश तमाशो और नौटंकी का है. सो ये आश्चर्यचकित नहीं करता कि कुछ ख़ास वर्ग समय समय पर नौटंकी करते रहते है. इसमे से अधिकतर वामपंथी मसखरे होते है. या इनसे संचालित संस्थाए होती है. इस लेख के लिखे जाने तक कम से कम विभिन्न भाषाओ के २५ लेखक अपना  पुरस्कार लौटा चुके है. अगर बिके हुए मीडिया की बात माने तो इन सबको देश में बढ़ते हुए धार्मिक असहिष्णुता के चलते काफी ठेस लगी  है. कन्नड़ चिन्तक एमएम कलबुर्गी, भाकपा के वरिष्ठ नेता गोविंद पानसरे, भारतीय तर्कवादी और महाराष्ट्र के लेखक नरेन्द्र अच्युत दाभोलकर और दादरी काण्ड के चलते इन लेखको को देश में इस कदर असहिष्णुता के दर्शन होने लगे कि इन सभी ने पुरस्कार लौटाने की घोषणा कर दी. इस मानसिकता को समझना बहुत जरुरी है कि इनको वाकई बिगड़ते माहौल की फिक्र है या ये किसी तुच्छ राजनीति से प्रेरित है.

नामवर सिंह की बात इस परिपेक्ष्य में काफी महत्त्वपूर्ण हो जाती है. और जैसा ये तय था कि नामवर सिंह की बात सुनकर इन सब का बिलबिलाना तय था. वही हुआ. “डॉक्टर सिंह ने देश के पच्चीस लेखकों द्वारा अकादमी पुरस्कार लौटाए जाने पर कहा क़ि लेखक अख़बारों में सुर्खियां बटोरने के लिए इस तरह पुरस्कार लौटा रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि लेखक क्यों पुरस्कार लौट रहे हैं। अगर उन्हें सत्ता से विरोध है तो साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार नहीं लौटाने चाहिए, क्योंकि अकादमी तो स्वायत संस्था है और इसका अध्यक्ष निर्वाचित होता है। यह देश की अन्य अकादमियों से भिन्न है। आखिर लेखक इस तरह अपनी ही संस्था को क्यों निशाना बना रहे हैं। अगर उन्हें कलबुर्गी की हत्या का विरोध करना है तो उन्हें राष्ट्रपति, संस्कृति मंत्री या मानव संसाधन मंत्री से मिलकर सरकार पर दबाव बनाना चाहिये और उनके परिवार की मदद के लिए आगे आना चाहिए। उनका यह भी कहना है कि इस मुद्दे पर अकादमी को लेखकों का एक सम्मेलन भी करना चाहिए, जिसमें इन सवालों पर खुल कर बात हो।” नामवर सिंह जी ने बिना लाग लपेट के खरी खरी कह दी. जाहिर सी बात है इस सीधी सी बात का इन पुरस्कार लौटाने की होड़ में लगे हुए लेखको के पास कोई जवाब नहीं. लेखको का राजनीति से यूँ तो काफी घनिष्ठ सम्बन्ध है लेकिन ये भी सड़कछाप राजनीति में मोहरों की तरह इस्तेमाल होंगे ये पता ना था.

नामवर सिंह: मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि लेखक क्यों पुरस्कार लौट रहे हैं। अगर उन्हें सत्ता से विरोध है तो साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार नहीं लौटाने चाहिए, क्योंकि अकादमी तो स्वायत संस्था है और इसका अध्यक्ष निर्वाचित होता है। यह देश की अन्य अकादमियों से भिन्न है। आखिर लेखक इस तरह अपनी ही संस्था को क्यों निशाना बना रहे हैं?

नामवर सिंह: मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा कि लेखक क्यों पुरस्कार लौट रहे हैं। अगर उन्हें सत्ता से विरोध है तो साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार नहीं लौटाने चाहिए, क्योंकि अकादमी तो स्वायत संस्था है और इसका अध्यक्ष निर्वाचित होता है। यह देश की अन्य अकादमियों से भिन्न है। आखिर लेखक इस तरह अपनी ही संस्था को क्यों निशाना बना रहे हैं?

अगर ये वाकई बुद्धिजीवी वर्ग का प्रतिनिधित्व करते है तो इन्हें विरोध और वो भी एक जेन्युइन विरोध को  बेहतर तरीके से उभारना चाहिए था. लेकिन जब तह में दिखावटी कारण हो तो ये भी तय है कि विरोध भी भांडनुमा ही बन जाएगा. इनसे पूछा जाना चाहिए जब कांग्रेस काल में इतने सुनियोजित तरीके से दंगे हुए, महाराष्ट्र में एक वर्ग गांधी की प्रतिमा का खुले आम निरादर करता है, खुले आम गुंडागर्दी करता है, तस्लीमा नसरीन को खुले आम धमकियाँ दी गयी जिस वजह से उसे एक देश से दुसरे देश में जान बचाने के लिए भागना पड़ रहा है, सलमान रुश्दी का भारत में कार्यक्रम इस वजह से स्थगित हो गया कि उन्हें एक वर्ग विशेष ने पहले ही चेता दिया था कि अंजाम सही नहीं होगा तब क्या इन लेखको की आत्मा मर गयी थी? तब क्या इनका जमीर ख़ाक हो गया था? और आज एक बारगी इन लेखको को देश में फैलते  असहिष्णुता के दर्शन हो गए?

ये क्या सुनियोजित नहीं लगता? क्या ये महज संयोग है कि पुरस्कार लौटाने वाले अधिकतर किसी ना किसी रूप में वामपंथी विचारधारा से संचालित है. और क्या हम नहीं जानते ज्यादातर  वामपंथियों ने इस देश की जड़ खोदने का ही काम किया है. ये कहने में भी गुरेज़ नहीं कि ये सब विदेशी ताकतों से संचालित है. कडवी बात ये है कि उन्हें इस सरकार को घेरने का कोई मुद्दा ही नहीं मिल रहा है. सो मुद्दे अंग्रेजी में कहे तो “concocted” किये जा रहे. बात बस इतनी सी है. वो कहावत है ना कि कीचड फेंकते रहो कुछ ना कुछ तो चिपक ही जाएगा. ये सारे राष्ट्र विरोधी ताकते इस वक्त इसी फिराक में लगी है. लेखको कि एक जमात भी इसी  खेल में मोहरों की तरह फिट हो गयी. मुझे इसी बात का खेद है.

ऐसा नहीं कि मुझे विचारको या चिंतको के मारे जाने का दुःख नहीं लेकिन जब इस को एक घिनौने रूप से गन्दी राजनीति को आगे बढाने के लिए एक औजार के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है तब तकलीफ होती है. ये पुरस्कार लौटाने वाले भाई लोग चाहे कुछ भी जताने की कोशिश करे, और चाहे दोगली मीडिया इनको कितना महिमंडित करे असल कहानी सिर्फ और सिर्फ यही रहेगी कि कुछ लोग जो इस सरकार की स्थिरता से बौखलाए है खिसियानी बिल्ली खम्बा नोचे की तर्ज पर सरकार को अस्थिर करने का कारण ढूंढ रहे है. लेखक जो प्रबुद्धता की निशानी होते है वे भी इस गंदे खेल में शामिल हो गए ये जरुर खलेगा. लेकिन फिर भी हम ये ना भूले कि इसमें अधिकतर वामपंथ से पोषित
है और वामपंथी इस देश के प्रति कैसी निष्ठां रखते है ये किसी से नहीं छुपी!  इलाहाबाद में भी साहित्यकार बंधू जुटे और इनमे ज्यादातर वामपंथ समर्थित अप्रासंगिक हो चुके लेखको की एक लम्बी फौज थी जिनकी समझ ये है कि ओसामा बिन लादेन में भी ये महानता के गुण ढूंढ लेंगे लेकिन नरेन्द्र मोदी में सिर्फ और सिर्फ हिटलर और मुसोलिनी के ही दर्शन होंगे!!

कुछ एक साल पहले लखनऊ में एक प्रेस कांफ्रेंस में जामा मस्जिद के इमाम सैयद अहमद बुखारी ने एक पत्रकार को सरे आम धमकी दी और बुरी तरह पीटा भी लेकिन इस खबर को कोई अहमियत नहीं मिली. कुल मिला के मामला ये है कि असहिष्णुता के मायने इस देश में ये है कि जब सिर्फ एक वर्ग विशेष को किसी भी वजह से तकलीफ पहुंचे तो सब जगह इस बात को बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताओ कि देश में असहिष्णुता पनप रही है! दादरी हत्याकांड के तह में मत जाओ, उसकी असल वजह मत जानो लेकिन ये सब जगह फैला दो कि एक मुसलमान की मौत हो गयी! कल को शायद सडक हादसों में मरने वाले मुसलमान को भी सांप्रदायिक हिंसा का शिकार बता दिया जाए!!

अंत में सिर्फ ये जानना चाहेंगे स्वामी लक्ष्मणानन्द जी की हत्या जब क्रिस्चियन मिशनरीज के षड़यंत्र के चलते जन्माष्टमी समारोह के दौरान उड़ीसा में हुई थी तब क्या किसी लेखक ने ( अभी तक  के इन २५ लेखको को मिलाकर जिन्होंने पुरस्कार लौटाए है) असहिष्णुता के चलते अपना पुरस्कार लौटाया था? या लौटाने का सोचा था? और नहीं लौटाया ना ही लौटाने का सोचा तो उन्होंने ऐसा क्यों किया? तब आपको समझ में आ जाएगा कि वे आज ऐसा असल में क्यों कर रहे है! या इन लेखको की आत्मा तब क्यों नहीं डोली जब सामूहिक नरसंहार झेलते झेलते कश्मीरी पंडित जम्मू और कश्मीर से लगभग पूरी तरह से पलायन कर गए!!  ये तो कई वर्षो से इनके साथ हो रहा है!  इतने सालो में इन लेखकों की नजर इन पर एक बार भी नहीं पड़ी. इन कश्मीरी विस्थापितों के दुःख दर्द से क्यों नहीं इन लेखको की आत्मा डोली?

अंत में सिर्फ ये जानना चाहेंगे स्वामी लक्ष्मणानन्द जी की हत्या जब क्रिस्चियन मिशनरीज के षड़यंत्र के चलते उड़ीसा में हुई थी तब क्या किसी लेखक ने ( अभी तक के इन २५ लेखको को मिलाकर जिन्होंने पुरस्कार लौटाए है) असहिष्णुता के चलते अपना पुरस्कार लौटाया था? या लौटाने का सोचा था? और नहीं लौटाया ना ही लौटाने का सोचा तो उन्होंने ऐसा क्यों किया? तब आपको समझ में आ जाएगा कि वे आज ऐसा असल में क्यों कर रहे है!

अंत में सिर्फ ये जानना चाहेंगे स्वामी लक्ष्मणानन्द जी की हत्या जब क्रिस्चियन मिशनरीज के षड़यंत्र के चलते उड़ीसा में हुई थी तब क्या किसी लेखक ने ( अभी तक के इन २५ लेखको को मिलाकर जिन्होंने पुरस्कार लौटाए है) असहिष्णुता के चलते अपना पुरस्कार लौटाया था? या लौटाने का सोचा था? और नहीं लौटाया ना ही लौटाने का सोचा तो उन्होंने ऐसा क्यों किया? तब आपको समझ में आ जाएगा कि वे आज ऐसा असल में क्यों कर रहे है!


नामवर सिंह
साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार
स्वामी लक्ष्मणानन्द जी की हत्या
अवार्ड विवाद

Image Credit:
Pic One

Pic Two

Pic Three

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission: Let’s Hope It Regains Its Lost Glory!


The “Y” Factor Killed The Reputation Of Commission!

For a writer it’s a matter of great satisfaction if the issues raised by him get snowballed into crucial developments at grass-roots level. I am really happy that Allahabad High Court quashed appointment of Chairman of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission on grounds that it was “arbitrary” and “”breach of provisions of Constitution”. I had taken note of the grievances of agitating students much before it turned into a sub judice affair. I had kept a close eye on the affairs pertaining to the world of students besides taking note of key developments taking place inside the corridors of Public Service Commission. There was a personal reason as well. My father had served this institution and therefore issues related to it meant a lot for me at emotional level. It was really upsetting for me that such an impartial constitutional body had become playground of vested interests. The key posts went to people with chequered past. But none could raise objection since it was an autonomous body enjoying immense power. Of course, everybody knew that it was being controlled by “Y Factor” ( Yadav factor )

Being resident of this city, I always met students who informed me about the malpractices going on unabated inside Commission. The whole examination process for various examination had become a farce, interviews were being conducted in most discriminatory way. That meant end of road for meritorious students wishing to be part of system as  government officials. Although I do not believe in being head on with district administration, I was devoid of saner choice other than asking students to demonstrate on the streets in a ferocious way. Fortunately, the agitations took the same shape with students going berserk! Number of petitions got filed in the court regarding the misuse of power and abuse of constitutional provisions. Like always Court had the last laugh when it showed the door to Secretary and Chairman of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission within gap of few days. The High court set side appointment of  Chairman treating it to be “ultra vires” of Article 316 pertaining to the guidelines related with appointment of Chairman and other members of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission.

I came to vigorously pursue this issue through my writings. This post The Tragic Transformation Of Public Service Commission Into Yadav Service Commission! which first appeared this website on July 29, 2013, referred to dirty games and shady deals happening on the premises of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. I dispatched this article to offices of mainstream newspapers but none dared to show enough guts to take anti-government stance in such a brazen fashion! Luckily, this article elicited huge interest of readers on my website. Obviously, now when High Court has finally ensured that natural justice and rule of law are above dubious interests of political masters by quashing the appointment of Chairman, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction within. At least, it makes me have this realization that pen is mightier than sword! That written words never go in vain if they truly represent anguish and dissent.

I need to clarify that Allahabad High Court dealt with this issue on entirely different grounds as ones raised in my article, “The Tragic Transformation Of Public Service Commission Into Yadav Service Commission!,  published on July 29, 2013. However, in the end, it culminated into the end as desired by me.Let’s hope constitutional bodies come to serve the people instead of serving political masters!

Real Credit Belongs To These Students Who Protested On Streets And Took The Matter To Court!

Real Credit Belongs To These Students Who Protested On Streets And Took The Matter To Court!


I am posting below my article which first appeared on this website on July 29, 2013.


 The Tragic Transformation Of Public Service Commission Into Yadav Service Commission!

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission is a constitutional body, which has been assigned the task to make selections in various governments department at a State level. One expects it to discharge its duties in impartial and sound manner. However, of late, this prestigious constitutional body has become like a caged pigeon in the hands of its incompetent officials, who are acting at the behest of political masters. The latest reservation policy row provides insight into the mindset of officers working at this prestigious office. The implementation of caste-based quotas at the preliminary level of many important examinations, mainly to benefit certain “caste”, without worrying about the collateral damage caused by it is an ominous sign. It’s supposed to act in neutral manner so as to ensure that the selections take place in a fair way. However, the new mantra for it seems to be that “foul is fair”. The appeasement of political masters is more important than selection of meritorious candidates through right process.

This government agency some decades back enjoyed a good reputation of conducting examinations, and later, making final selections in honest way. It had such an impressive track record that many other government agencies sought its help in making proper selections in their own departments, granting it the authority to conduct examinations. However, the scenario inside the office has changed dramatically in last few years, especially in the regimes of Bahujan Samjwadi Party and Samajwadi Party- the political parties which were in control of Uttar Pradesh in last few years. Their casteist approach demolished the reputation of this prestigious body. In their regimes, the key positions went to officers who played havoc with the selection process.

The students who ensured that controversial reservation policy gets scrapped are absolutely right in demanding that a high level inquiry committee should be formed to take note of the irregularities made in selections during last few years. The students need to be appreciated for their act of seeking relevant information in this regard under Right to Information Act. At present two officers from Yadav community are holding key positions in this office. Isn’t it highly shameful that students now treat Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission as ” Yadav Selection Commission”? Most of the bright students after completing the graduation go in for examinations conducted by Public Service Commission since selections to most of the the key administrative posts are made by it. Don’t these corrupt officials realize that by making selections in such arbitrary manner they are causing irreparable damage?  First, they are destroying the future of genuine applicants, and second,  they are paving way for incompetent people to act as government servants in future. What sort of decisions such government officials would make who got selected through such flawed process?

The reservation was introduced by makers of the Constitution for a specific period to enable marginalized castes attain a dignified position in the society. The sentiments of people, who introduced reservation, were really aimed at the welfare of weaker sections of society. However, that’s not the case now. It’s the most effective tool to destabilize societal structure. It’s the instrument to remain in power. It’s a weapon in the hands of dirty political minds to ensure that they remain relevant in political landscape. It’s high time courts and conscious citizens teach fitting lesson to corrupt political leaders and bureaucrats, who are demolishing the image of constitutional bodies.

Is That's The Way Youth Icon, Akhilesh Singh, Play With Future Of Students By Appointing Such Tainted Officials?

Youth Icon, Akhilesh Singh, Playing With Future Of Students By Appointing Such Tainted Officials!!


The Tragic Transformation Of Public Service Commission Into Yadav Service Commission!



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Pic One
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Not Many Feel So Consciously About Leaving A Glorious Legacy For Future Generations In Legal Landscape !!

From Left To Right On Dais: Devendra Kumar Tiwari, Advocate & Author; B.N. Singh, Advocate, and Mr. Jaiswal, Advocate.

From Left To Right On Dais: Devendra Kumar Tiwari, Advocate & Author; B.N. Singh, Advocate, and Mr. Yogendra Jaiswal, Advocate.

Normally, I hate to be part of any election campaigning. That’s the reason why I am always at a safe distance from anything remotely associated with election process, no matter what’s the nature of it. That’s because I prefer to be a neutral and an independent observer. It’s something which gets severely affected once you somehow, much against your wishes, get associated with election process related to one particular group or, for that matter, any individual. Keeping my approach in mind, I have maintained a respectable distance from ongoing ferocious campaigning pertaining to Allahabad High Court Bar Association Elections.

Having said that, a deep curiosity drew me towards an election meeting organized in favour of Devendra Kumar Tiwari, whom I recently met during a book-launching ceremony. Devendra Kumar Tiwari besides being an advocate is also a  noted author of many specialized books on legal matters. Recently, he penned a book “Lawyer’s Referencer” for wannabe lawyers who wish to attain excellence inside the premises of High Court in an easy-going way! I attended the book-launching ceremony of this book and that’s the time when I  first became aware of this author’s heartfelt progressive views! His keynote address delivered on this book-launching event  was very moving one! It was not charisma of oratory, but, in reality, it was reflection of deep concerns for betterment of legal world. Precisely that’s the reason why I preferred to be part of the election meeting organized by Devendra Kumar Tiwari even as I was initially pretty reluctant within. I wanted to hear him more and that made me attend the meeting!!

Needless to say, the time I spent there, listening his election speech did not appear to have go down the drain! I noticed that there were many other speakers who also spoke about improving “Bench and Bar” relations in aftermath of elections but none sounded so genuine as Devendra Kumar Tiwari, contesting for prestigious post of “Secretary”. Unfortunately, the meeting was devoid of suitable decorum, being marred by lots of disturbances, which made it almost impossible to hear the speech with proper concentration. However, even amid such chaotic atmosphere, some of the speakers spoke very eloquently and, powerfully too, for the cause of lawyers reeling under tyranny of Judges, who are using “contempt proceedings” in mindless manner! It was a great experience to hear them, to notice their genuine sentiments for improvement of happenings inside the Bar.

Pandit Kanhaiyya Lal Mishra, Advocate. He commanded huge respect even in courts outside Uttar Pradesh!

Pandit Kanhaiya Lal Mishra, Advocate. He commanded huge respect even in courts outside Uttar Pradesh!


What’s so unique about Devendra Tiwari is that he can speak at great length without any written note, yet at no stage he sounds out of tune or less authentic! That shows his genuine involvement with welfare of lawyers. On this occasion, he made important revelations. He was pretty unhappy that owing to fractured mindset of present generation of lawyers, the Bar is on verge of total collapse. It has got limited to vested interests of petty minds. That’s quite alarming since future generations would curse previous generations for leaving such a dark future for them, wherein nothing seemed inspiring! If that remains the case, parents will not prefer to see their child emerge as a lawyer since in their eyes it would be a sheer waste of  costly education which they ensured for their child after bearing so much troubles!! That’s why Mr Devendra Tiwari so rightly pointed out that this generation needs to make “choices” in most judicious manner, keeping in mind the interest of future generations. He said that when he or the senior lawyers entered in this profession they had got a stable and strong bar in legacy. Today most of the institutions (like Board of Revenue) are facing identity crisis, having been weakened by corrupt powers in a systematic way. The same corrupt forces are deliberately eroding the influence of High Court, which can only be controlled when we have responsible people in Bar!

He sounded so true that representatives who get selected in aftermath of elections are reflection of thought-process exhibited by the lawyers. Hence, it’s futile to condemn their elected representatives inside the Bar after a certain period! After all, they got elected because of our own “flawed choices”. That’s the reason why we need to be highly conscious while making a choice! Allahabad Bar Association in the past has been associated with legal luminaries of great stature who went on to represent most important constitutional posts of this nation. R. S. Pathak, who belonged to this Bar, served as a Judge at International Court of Justice. Pt. Kanhaiya Lal Misra, belonging to this Bar, commanded huge respect to an extent, that whenever he appeared to argue in courts other than ones prevailing within Uttar Pradesh, the sitting judges used to stand up in admiration! No wonder it’s the responsibility of present generation of lawyers to add new dimensions in the stature of Allahabad Bar Association. That will remain a distant dream, if we keep making bad choices, taking into consideration flimsy aspects!

 R. S. Pathak from Allahabad High Court (Second From Left). He served as a Judge at International Court of Justice

R. S. Pathak from Allahabad High Court (Second From Left). He served as a Judge at International Court of Justice


B N Singh, a very conscious and experienced lawyer, who spoke on this occasion, in support of candidature of Devendra Kumar Tiwari, referred to extraordinary power vested in young minds of new lawyers. The young lawyers constitute a huge section of lawyers practicing at Allahabad High Court. Unless they make decisions, based on equity, it would not be possible to change the face of Bar. The young lawyers need to sharpen their fighting spirit in a right way, by marginalizing all those elements which misguide and mislead them. A better and a strong Bar Association is need of the hour. The young lawyers will play a pivotal role in ensuring its emergence! Hope these young minds do not act like a drop of lemon juice added into boiling milk! Let’s pray that right people get placed inside chambers of  Allahabad Bar Association, who ensure that future generation can boast of illustrious legacy! I need to end this post by praising Shashikant Kuswaha, a promising young Advocate, who worked really hard to ensure that no mess prevailed during the meeting of lawyers! I also need to point out perfect coordination of the event done by Advocate Mr. Yogendra Jaiswal, who also happened to be quite young!


The book review can be be read here:

Lawyer’s Referencer: A Prefect Book For The Upcoming Lawyers

Writer of this post i.e. myself,  Arvind K. Pandey, Writer & Advocate,  with Devendra Kumar Tiwari, author of the recently launched book.

Writer of this post i.e. myself (second from left), Arvind K. Pandey, Writer & Advocate, with Devendra Kumar Tiwari, author of the recently launched book.

Pics Credit:

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Pic Three

Lawyer’s Referencer: A Prefect Book For The Upcoming Lawyers

Launching Moment Of

Launching Moment Of “Lawyer’s Referencer”: ( From left to right on dais) D K Tiwari, Advocate & Author ; Ashok Mehta, Additional Solicitor General of India; Justice Rajesh Tandon, Chairman, Human Rights Commission, Uttarakhand; Dharam Pal Singh, Criminal Expert , and B B Paul, Expert, Revenue Matters.

Young lawyers are often haunted by so many misapprehensions, when they enter inside the premises of any High Court for first time. The complex relationship between young lawyers and senior lawyers gets added to the woes of fresh, young lawyers arriving at High Court after enrollment at Bar Council. This lack of information regarding the code of conduct and sheer ignorance about rules and regulations governing High Court play a spoilsport with future of young lawyers. That kills their precious moments, which if saved, could have been used in deeper studying of various cases. As a result of that, initial years of any young lawyer is usually a saga of frustration and gloom. He not only runs short of financial resources, but also gets bereft of  proper knowledge which ensures greater frustration. I am really happy that Dr. Devendra Kumar Tiwari, a  very experienced lawyer at Allahabad High Court, Allahabad, who owns a doctorate degree in law, gave a serious thought to this pertinent issue. His deep concerns for the new lawyers made him pen the book titled ” Lawyer’s Referencer”. It’s a terrific condensation of important details sought by any lawyer who wishes to be familiar with proceedings at High Court.

A Perfect Evening.....

A Perfect Evening…..

The book launch saw gathering of some high-profile lawyers, who shared their experiences with audience which comprised of eminent legal hawks belonging to Allahabad. Of course, Devendra Kumar Tiwari, being the host and author of the recently launched book, had a lot to share. I must say that despite  being a very influential lawyer, he maintained a very low profile. He exhibited a humility, which is rarely noticed in a lawyer who attains a high position at High Court! His initial days of academic career was marred by unspeakable problems and since he belonged to rural world, the world dominated by elites offered a little solace! However, he carved a niche for himself largely because of his grit and determination. He penned many law books in Hindi, which got awarded by Indian government. Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology and Law of Pleadings, are two such prominent books written by him. In his welcome note, he stated it categorically that lawyers who made significant contributions at Allahabad High Court were the ones who belonged to rural world. It’s these lawyers, who ensured justice to litigants at low cost!

However, what hurt him most, was abusive behaviour targeted at young lawyers. The young lawyers are being constantly harassed by senior lawyers and judges for want of required knowledge. Everybody expects these young lawyers to be efficient during the legal proceedings, but, at the same time, nobody ensures that they can have access to details that matter. That’s why  he feels that his book, which has necessary “practical” tips besides terminologies, regularly used in High Court, would come in handy for new legal practitioner!

Advocate Devendra Kumar Tiwari Addressing The Audience.

Advocate Devendra Kumar Tiwari Addressing The Audience.

Ashok Mehta, Additional Solicitor General of India, in his lecture delivered on this occasion as a special guest, lambasted the Bar Council for playing with the future of young lawyers by keeping them in dark about necessary details!! His insightful lecture thrilled the listeners to a great extent. He is wonderful orator and so he used this opportunity to express his heartfelt sentiments. He was shocked that the task of creating awareness among young lawyers was being done by lawyers like Devendra Kumar Tiwari, which is primarily the task of Bar Coucil of India. He wished to know what is preventing Bar Council to use its financial resources to sensitize fresh lawyers? He was also pretty unhappy about lack of quality books in Hindi and what dismayed him  was that even after so many years of Independence “the spirit of Macaulay”  haunted High Courts. All the proceedings of High Court are conducted in  English, which ensures huge problem for both lawyers and litigants. Anyway, he felt that juniors of Allahabad High Court are the best ones in Indian landscape. He ensured them a great future, provided they worked hard and, above all, if lady luck favoured them at right turns of life!!

Additional Solicitor General of India, Ashok Mehta, addressing the participants!

Additional Solicitor General of India, Ashok Mehta, addressing the participants!

Justice Rajesh Tandon, Chairman, Human Rights Commission, Uttarakhand,  who attended the event as a Chief Guest, spoke at length about utility of this book. He felt that lack of knowledge of frequently used terminologies at High Court creates an embarrassing situation. It’s something which could be avoided. In his opinion, this book is not only useful for young lawyers but it’s also serves a huge purpose for senior lawyers. Dharampal Singh, noted criminal lawyer, who shared the dais as a distinguished guest, felt that this tussle between young lawyers and senior lawyers would always exist. In reality, no senior lawyer is ever interested in making a junior lawyer pretty informed. However, a senior lawyer like him, is always ready to provide help by encouraging all the initiatives aimed at brightening the future of young lawyers. B B Paul, expert in revenue matters at Board of Revenue,  who attended the glittering evening as one of the special guests, also spoke about documentation about proceedings,related to High Court, which in his eyes would make the legal affairs bearable for fresh entrants at High Court.

Writer of this post i.e. myself,  Arvind K. Pandey, Writer & Advocate,  with Devendra Kumar Tiwari, author of the recently launched book.

Writer of this post i.e. myself, Arvind K. Pandey, Writer & Advocate, with Devendra Kumar Tiwari, author of the recently launched book.

I would like to highlight some interesting aspects about this book. For instance, this book speaks about “plea bargaining” . This is a very important portion of Criminal proceeding wherein there is provision of out of the court settlement of criminal affairs provided the punishment does not exceed beyond seven years. The senior lawyers expressed grave concern about little usage of this provision which if frequently applied would lessen the burden on trial courts. In fact, criminal experts were of the opinion that courts should first ensure that whether or not there is scope of “plea bargaining” at the start of trial. They should come to proceed in usual way only when there is no scope! In rent and control cases, often lawyers, make a grave blunder of not mentioning about “mesne profit” while filing suits and as a result of this blunder they cannot avail necessary benefit. ” Mesene profits” are the profits which a person in wrongful possession of the property actually recovered or might with ordinary diligence have received therefrom together with interest on such profits excluding the profits due to improvement made by the person in wrongful possession. Interestingly, the book refers to usage of simple term “status quo” which is often wrongly used! In case of re-gaining  the possession, the aggrieved party, who has been deprived of the possession, should ask for “anti-status quo” instead of seeking “status quo”!!

Myself with Ashok Mehta, Additional Solicitor General of India.

Myself with Ashok Mehta, Additional Solicitor General of India.

It was a perfect star-studded evening for both young lawyers and senior lawyers at the conference hall of popular big  hotel at Allahabad. Luckily, it was not confined to merry-making!  On the contrary, the evening ensured that lawyers further enriched their legal knowledge by imbibing rich legal insights shared by expert lawyers present on this occasion including Shailendra Awasthi, Advocate & Author, and Uma Sharnkar Tiwari, prominent Advocate at District Court, Allahabad.  I need to refer to my friend, Shashikant Kushwaha, Advocate, Allahabad High Court, Allahabad, who played an instrumental role in coordinating the event quite successfully. He has also written law books meant for competitive students. In fact, he has been awarded by Allahabad Bar Association for promoting Hindi.

Lawyer's Referencer: A Good Book For Legal Hawks!

Lawyer’s Referencer: A Good Book For Legal Hawks!

Some More Images:

Dharam Pal Singh, Criminal Law Expert.

Dharam Pal Singh, Criminal Law Expert.

My one of the best friends since college days. Too happy to see his progress!!

My one of the best friends since college days. Too happy to see his progress!!


पिता को समर्पित दिवस पर अपने ह्रदय की कठोर बात!!

अपने पिताजी के साथ कालेज के दिनों की तस्वीर: मेरे पिता मेरे लिए पहले भी आदर्श थे और भविष्य में भी रहेंगे मतभिन्नता के बावजूद!

अपने पिताजी के साथ कालेज के दिनों की तस्वीर: मेरे पिता मेरे लिए पहले भी आदर्श थे और भविष्य में भी रहेंगे मतभिन्नता के बावजूद!

पिता को समर्पित दिवस, जिसे आज  २१ जून को पूरे विश्व में मनाया गया, पर अपने ह्रदय की कठोर बात!!  अपना इलाहाबाद शहर विचित्र है. हम कहते कुछ और है लेकिन हमारे मित्र तक वही बात पहुचकर वो बात हो जाती है जो हमने या तो कही नहीं होती या फिर वो चीज़ हमारे साथ होती ही नहीं वैसा ही उस बात का स्वरूप हो जाता है. आश्चर्य तो इस बात का है कि मित्र सक्षम है दूध का दूध और पानी का पानी करने में लेकिन वे भी जो बात का आशय नहीं होता या फिर जो वस्तुस्थिति नहीं होती उसी की चर्चा करते है. अपने पिता से मेरे सिर्फ वैचारिक मतभेद है और होना भी चाहिए लेकिन इसका स्वरूप विकृत नहीं है जैसा मेरा कुछ मित्रो ने दुष्प्रचार शहर में कर रखा है.

नजदीक के मित्रो से अपेक्षा ये होती है कि वो जो सच है उसी का पक्ष रखे ना कि मिथ्या या भ्रामक बातो को फैलाए. मुझे मित्रो से कठोरता से बात करने में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं लेकिन अगर वे इस तरह का भ्रम मेरे बारे में फैलायेंगे तो उनसे दूरी बनाने में मुझे कोई झिझक नहीं होगी. मेरे पिता मेरे लिए पहले भी आदर्श थे और भविष्य में भी रहेंगे मतभिन्नता के बावजूद. ये शायद मेरे सक्षम मित्र हज़म नहीं करना चाहते, समझना नहीं चाहते, महसूस नहीं करना चाहते. ऐसे मित्र फिर ना तो मुझे जानते है और ना ही मेरे जीवन के किसी पक्ष से उनका कोई सही लगाव है.  शायद इसीलिए वे मेरे और मेरे पिताजी के संबंधो का सतही आकलन करने भर में ही ज्यादा दिलचस्पी रखते है. खैर ऐसे लोग ना मुझे ही जानते है और ना मेरे पिताजी को!! एक पीढ़ी और उसके बाद की जो पीढ़ी होती है उसमे वैल्यूज को लेकर उठा पटक तो रहती है और ये रहनी भी चाहिए विकास की धारा को नए आयाम देने के लिए. बस कुछ इसी तरह की बात है अपने और अपने पिताजी के बीच. लेकिन ये कभी भी विकृति के स्तर पर नहीं पंहुचा  और उस स्तर पर पंहुचेगा भी नहीं. हा जो लोग सिर्फ और सिर्फ नकारात्मक ख्यालात के चलते इस तरह की कल्पना के लिए विवश है वे सोचने के लिए स्वंतंत्र है लेकिन ऐसे लोगो का उस  हकीकत से फासला हमेशा बना रहेगा जो मेरी तरफ है.

चलते चलते इससे इतर बात कहेंगे. आज हम ये देखते है, खासकर कोर्ट केसेज में, कि बच्चो के अधिकार को लेकर पति पत्नी आपस में लम्बी कानूनी लड़ाई लड़ते है जो शायद ना उनके रिश्ते के लिए ठीक होता है और ना बच्चे के भविष्य के लिए. बच्चे के बेहतर भविष्य के लिए आवश्यक है कि बच्चे को माता-पिता का साथ बराबर अनुपात में मिले. ये भी एक खतरनाक ट्रेंड के रूप में उभरा है कि माता पिता अपनी अपनी काबिलियत को प्रमाणित करने के लिए अपने अपने कार्य क्षेत्र में इतने व्यस्त है कि बच्चे की परवरिश अपूर्ण तरीके से हो रही है. इस लाइफस्टाइल से क्या हासिल हो रहा है ये अभिभावकों को गंभीरता से समझना होगा. शायद इसी वजह से समाज का बिखराव कुछ निश्चित सा हो चला है.

पिता को समर्पित दिवस पर अपने ह्रदय की बात!!

पिता को समर्पित दिवस पर अपने ह्रदय की बात!!

Remembering S M A Kazmi: My Mentor In The Field Of Law ( A Tribute )

Mr. S.M.A. Kazmi: A Perfect Lawyer

Mr. S.M.A. Kazmi: A Perfect Lawyer

“The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,

And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave,
Awaits alike the inevitable hour.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.”

    ( Thomas Gray In ‘Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard’ )

When I was in school days these lines by poet Thomas Gray left an indelible impression on my mind’s landscape. I always wondered about its real purport. Now very recently when I heard about the tragic death of Mr. S.M.A. Kazmi, senior lawyer, Allahabad High Court, in a fatal road accident it not only left me in a state of deep shock but also made me realize the true purport of lines penned by Gray. In this world the only reality is death! Rest is illusion which looks real enough to keep humans trapped in life’s drama!

I met S M A Kazmi very shortly after Allahabad University granted me a law degree in year 2002. Although I was not pretty interested in getting enrolled as a lawyer at Allahabad High Court in prime of my life, I had to give way to destiny’s will of becoming part of Allahabad High Court- a High Court having a glorious legacy of delivering path-breaking judgements on par with global standards! I was fortunate that one of my childhood friends, Sampanna Kumar Srivastava, also a lawyer, and in those days a student  leader associated with Communist Party, introduced me to Mr Kazmi in his chamber. I had by then carved a niche for myself in the world of media as a freelancer. Mr. Kazmi was a lawyer with a difference. He was a good orator besides being a  good writer who enjoyed organizing literary gatherings. So he was quite happy in finding someone like me having similar mental orientations akin to his literary bent of mind.

In very short span of time I became one of his favourite juniors. I loved his penchant for perfectionism. His aggressive mannerism really threatened others but on me it had little impact. Like him I believed in working hard and, therefore, rarely felt short of his expectations. And that did not provide enough space to Mr. Kazmi to direct his anger towards me. He always believed that if one wishes to emerge as a good lawyer at High Court level then one must be ready to read enough besides being good at interpretation! It’s really saddening that emerging lawyers are merely interested in attaining riches than attaining right skills! As a result of that most of the lawyers fail to attain great heights in real sense!

That was not the case with Mr. Kazmi. He came from a teacher’s family with no previous legal history in his family. However, his legal journey which began in early 80s saw all glorious episodes which any lawyer wishes in his/her career. In prime of his age he became Advocate General of Uttar Pradesh, and later became politically active which yielded him ministerial birth. Every successful person has many adversaries in form of friends! He too had many such friends who said good words in his front but despised him at his back being always loaded with set of conspiracies. He warned me that I should not waste my energy in forming counter-strategies to negate such vicious network! The best way to defeat negative souls in your profession is to keep doing exceptional work. That sort of attitude demoralizes negative souls! At this point I come to remember words of Indira Gandhi that there are many who wish to take credit in aftermath of any successful endeavour, but competition is less when it comes to do some original work!

Mr. S.M.A Kazmi: Attained Glorious Heights in Advocacy Very Soon!

Mr. S.M.A Kazmi: Attained Glorious Heights in Advocacy Very Soon!

Anyway, relationship between juniors and seniors has plummeted to all-time low. However, the juniors associated with Mr. Kazmi had better experiences and not bitter experiences. The ones who worked hard always managed to strike a favourable chord with both his personal and professional life. He did not believe in carrying aura of bossism but ensured that his leniency does not get misused. I must admit that he helped me financially besides making me in tune with various shades of advocacy. His chamber was not a dull place! Besides dealing with complex cases, the young lawyers also got introduced with lifestyle mired in royalty. The weekends were reserved for having a good time at some famous restaurant. He believed in spending money with people around instead of using the money to ensure petty personal gains. That’s why he was sincerely involved with several charitable trusts operating in Allahabad.

He was not happy with my decision to distance from legal profession for he was quite satisfied with my progress. He saw in me the rare attributes which had now gone missing. That’s why he lamented that people who should be really part of legal institutions are the ones engaged in different profession and the ones who are not supposed to be lawyers are the ones dominating the show at various legal institutions! Legal profession is now in grip of mediocre minds! He understood my temperament well, and, therefore, did not compel me to remain engaged in active advocacy. However, I did not wish to hurt his sentiments and, therefore, to honour his sentiments I remained part of Allahabad High Court via my legal reporting! I assured him that great values I intercepted at his chamber would always stay with me for rest of the life.

Indeed, right now when his death has left me in deep pain, side-by-side there exists a deep sense of satisfaction encircled by great mental peace within! I added a new dimensions in the values I inherited at his chamber. Happily, my friends never forgot that I was one of the juniors of Mr Kazmi! Their remembrance of my association with Mr Kazmi keeps me in right state of mind, enabling me to pursue different legal tasks with greater concentration and greater degree of perfection. Mr Kazmi believed that hard work never goes in vain and that has ensured I remain above short cuts to attain success! Yes, he had many flaw in his personality, like any soul trapped in earthly life,  but the greater truth is that they took a backseat when contrasted against his noble virtues!  His soul might have ascended to higher world, but for mine eyes he would always remain as real as any living person! May his soul rest in peace!


Alllahabad High Court: A Glorious Legacy!

Alllahabad High Court: A Glorious Legacy!

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An Evening With Friends At Historic Coffee House in Allahabad (Photo Feature)

“The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege.” (Charles Kuralt) That’s one of the reasons why I always look for moments when I can be in company of my old friends. Their company helps me to assess my one’s own growth in better light. It’s interesting that one always looks for substantial cause to enter into celebrations. That’s something which makes me uncomfortable since I love to celebrate even if there is no such weighty reason around! This time I managed to persuade all my old friends to be at historic coffee house, Allahabad, all in the name of celebrating grant of fellowship by Aavartan Research Institute, Gorakhpur. That was enough to tame the curious minds of some of my friends too anxious to know the exact reason! The real reason, however, was to spend some fun-filled moments with them. Life has become so hectic that it does not allow two individuals, however close they may be as friends, to sit together and get lost in old memories. That was the ultimate purport of organizing this get together with some chosen friends!

Why Coffee House? Allahabad has recently developed a lot having so many bright and glamorous food outlets but I selected Coffee House simply because being there means becoming part of its glorious history! This place is always occupied by legal hawks, writers and journalists during noon hours and by evening well-known oldies occupy the seats for long hours. This place in the past since early 50s witnessed development in lives of well-known geniuses belonging to Allahabad. Eminent literary figures like Firaq Gorakhpuri and Harivansh Rai Bachchan were frequent visitors to this place. Apart from them, the place has also witnessed rise of new creative wonders! The vibrations there ensure that there is no dearth of good souls in future!

I must thank to my friends from core of my heart that despite being trapped in busy schedules they managed to be part of this informal event at right time! It’s habit of the guests to worry the organizers with a deliberate delay! Mercifully, that’s not the case with events organized by me. I am spared this harassment for which I am really grateful to my friends. I must mention this fact that most of the friends who were part of this event have been my old friends and it makes me really happy when I state that they have all emerged as achievers! It was a moment of satisfaction for me to find them hale and hearty!

Obviously, the event was not solely attributed to dine together! We had some thought-provoking discussions. My friend Sheel, pursuing research in philosophy, rightly suggested that philosophy should also be taught at school level since that goes well with cultural legacy of this nation. Rajesh Kumar Pandey, legal correspondent associated with The Times Of India, lamented that Philosophy, of late, has become popular only because it helps students get good marks in competitive exams! It’s really hurting that a nation which is mired in philosophies of highest types has no mention about it at school level! My friend Ashish Nigam, on the other hand, asked me as to what was the method involved in my fellowship. I promptly informed him that besides books I was involved in interviewing concerned individuals. He also came to throw light on the glorious past of Coffee House, mentioning that visitors at this place love to sit here for long hours! It would not be out of tune to inform that most of the friends who gathered here were advocates associated with Allahabad High Court, who were also once upon a time had been my batch-mates!

There were some hilarious moments too when my childhood friend Pintu, lawyer at district court, got engaged in circulating images which showed us together as students in nursery days! Sangarsha Srivastava, who in past was a  ferocious Communist leader and now an advocate, made everybody laugh by exhibiting that Coffee tastes less sweeter if you add more sugar in it! The only thing you should ensure is that stir it not well enough with a spoon and then drink it fast! Advocate Susheel Kumar Tiwary, Advocate Shashikant Kushwaha, Advocate Satyahdhar Dubey, Advocate Vinay Vishwakarma and Advocate Neeraj Shukla, who happens to be my brother-in-law, spent some qualitative time with me rising above constraints of time and without worrying about the fact that they have to return back home traveling long distance in night hours only to face ire of their anxious wives! It was heart-warming to hear Satyadhar ji asking me to make visit to this place till fag end of my life this way just like the oldies engaged in deep and interesting conversations sitting beside our gathering!

In the end I need to make special reference to contribution made on part of Arvind Kushwaha, advocate/computer programmer, and Arun Prakash Srivastava, District librarian. Arvind ensured that moments get captured in his camera while Arun ji ensured that all goes well in terms of management. Happily, the event ended on a high note with so many good feelings. That’s not possible without grace of Lord and, therefore, let’s thank the Almighty too for successful culmination of this event! “Take no pride in your possession, in the people (at your command), in the youthfulness (that you have). Time loots away all these in a moment. Leaving aside all these, after knowing their illusory nature, realise the state of Brahman, and enter into it. (Sri Adi Shankara in Bhaja Govindam; Verse 11)

With Friends At Historic Coffee House In Allahabad!

With Friends At Historic Coffee House In Allahabad!

Happy to find old friends for one more time :-)

Happy to find old friends for one more time 🙂

It's a hearculean task to ask friends to be present at one place on a working day! And they all appeared at appointed time!

It’s a herculean task to ask friends to be present at one place on a working day! And they all appeared at appointed time!

Between interesting talks from philosophy to business we also ate :P :P :P

Between interesting talks from philosophy to business we also ate 😛 😛 😛

The ambience inside Coffee House permits deep and meaningful talks! You can see few people engaged in deep talks :P :P :P

The ambiance inside Coffee House permits deep and meaningful talks! You can see few people engaged in deep talks 😛 😛 😛

This time I did not say anything and simply enjoyed the whole affair. My friend Sangharsha did say few words in hilarious style :P :P :P

This time I did not say anything and simply enjoyed the whole affair. My friend Sangharsha did say few words in hilarious style 😛 😛 😛

Coffee House Is Best Known For South Indian Dishes :-) Dosa is so delicious :P :P :P

Coffee House is best known for South Indian dishes 🙂 Dosa is so delicious 😛 😛 😛

Sheel Could Not Resist The Temptation Of Riding Royal Enfield :P

Sheel Could Not Resist The Temptation Of Riding Royal Enfield 😛

Some of us  decided to sit again and taste Coffee for one more time :P It's called partying after party gets over :P :P :P

Some of us decided to sit again and taste Coffee for one more time 😛 It’s called partying after party gets over 😛 😛 😛

The Party Virtually Ended :-)

The Party Virtually Ended 🙂

Now Only The Memories Of This Get Together Prevail!!

Now Only The Memories Of This Get Together Prevail!!

The Party  Ended On A Blissful Note! I Am Really Thankful To Lord For Sucessful Culmination Of This Event! Hope All My Friends Remain Hale And Hearty In  Post-Party Life :-)

The Party Ended On A Blissful Note! I Am Really Thankful To Lord For Sucessful Culmination Of This Event! Hope All My Friends Remain Hale And Hearty In Post-Party Life  🙂 Let me mention names of people who gathered: (From Extreme Left) Rajesh Kumar Pandey, Sangharsha Srivastava, Pintu Jaiswal, Sheel Kamal, Swajit Gupta, Arun Prakash Srivastava, Pankaj, Shashikant Kushwaha, Neeraj Shukla 🙂  The Author Stands In The  Middle 😛 😛 😛 Those who are not in the frame Arvind Kuswaha, Satyadhar Dubey and Vinay Vishwakarma.


Taj Mahal Is Not Symbol Of True Love: It’s Manifestation Of Insensitivity And Cruelty!

Taj Mahal: Even if it's about true love, it's also equally about lack of conscious approach towards health of woman. It's about romance mired in bloodshed and acts of vandalism.

Taj Mahal: Even if it’s about true love, it’s also equally about lack of conscious approach towards health of woman. It’s about romance mired in bloodshed and acts of vandalism.

We always get carried away by false images, popular sentiments, more so when they are associated with well-known things. Worse, we dare not put in real perspective our own doubts. We keep on believing only because that’s been the known reality since time immemorial. This holds true about Taj Mahal. It’s popular, across the globe as symbol of true love. Whether it’s President of any nation or common man from a different part of the globe, they all love to get their selfies silhouetted against the backdrop of the Taj Mahal. It’s high time we become aware of infamous facets of Taj Mahal and shatter rhetoric strengthened by movies and sponsored literature!  

One of the flaws of education system in India is that it has made analytical abilities of Indian students inherently remain in awe of myths created by Western scholars. Anyway, the suppressed truth about Taj Mahal is that Empress Mumtaz had 14 children and she died due to postpartum hemorrhage after her last childbirth. This fact which appears in A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluation”, edited by Christopher B-Lynch, got new lease of life when Dr. Anant Kumar,  Assistant Professor, Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, substantiated it with new findings in his research paper titled “Monument of Love or Symbol of Maternal Death: The Story Behind the Taj Mahal.

In fact in the eyes of Nobel Laureate V. S. Naipaul Taj Mahal is “only despot’s monument to a woman”. Naipaul, trashing the popular perceptions, dares to expose the misdeeds of Muslim rulers in India: “Mosque on temple: ruin on ruin. This is the North”. He was candid in confessing that magnificent buildings built during Mughal period were symbolic of “personal plunder”. Naipaul, shattering the romantic illusions pervading the Taj Mahal, hailed it as ‘wasteful’- “The Taj is so wasteful, so decadent and in the end so cruel that I found it painful to be there for very long. This is an extravagance that speaks about the blood of the people.” The sentiments of V S Naipaul might appear against the secular spirit of nation forcing writers like William Darymple to give way to a knee jerk reaction that historical knowledge of V S Naipaul was flawed.

How can you ignore the harsh truth stated by Naipaul even if you are able to show Muslim rulers in better light? What so wrong about it when Naipaul says that “when you see so many Hindu temples of the 10th century or earlier disfigured, defaced, you realise that something terrible happened. I feel that the civilisation of that closed world was mortally wounded by those invasions … The Old World is destroyed. That has to be understood. Ancient Hindu India was destroyed.”

Let’s come to standard historical findings unearthed by Dr. Anant Kumar in his research work. After delving deep into historical records he stated that “physiological causes of Arjumand’s death were postpartum haemorrhage, anaemia and repeated child bearing without birth spacing.” Arjumand Banu Begum got married to Shah Jahan at the age of 19 and she died at age of 39 on 17th June 1631. In between she had 13 children and she died while giving birth to 14th child. Dr. Anant Kumar suggest that ” 2 1/2 years to 3 years between births” was totally ignored largely because of “social-cultural and religious cause”. “Being a follower of Islam, it must have been difficult for a woman to think about contraception and pregnancy regulation.”  Interestingly, almost at the same time, in different part of the globe ‘a medical doctor Johan von Hoorn started midwifery school in Stockholm in 1708’.

In the light of above-mentioned facts are we still going to treat Taj Mahal as symbol of love? Even if it’s about true love, it’s also equally about lack of conscious approach towards health of woman. It’s about romance mired in bloodshed and acts of vandalism.

The Taj is so wasteful, so decadent and in the end so cruel that I found it painful to be there for very long. This is an extravagance that speaks about the blood of the people. (V S Naipaul)

The Taj is so wasteful, so decadent and in the end so cruel that I found it painful to be there for very long. This is an extravagance that speaks about the blood of the people. (V S Naipaul)


Monument of Love or Symbol of Maternal Death: The Story Behind the Taj Mahal

A Textbook of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluation

V.S. Naipaul: Critical Essays

Trapped in the ruins

Pics Credit:

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Pic Two

Hindi Is Strengthening Indo-Israel Relations Even As Indians Flirt With English!

Aavartan Research Journal In Tandem With Gorakhpur University Organized A Seminar In Gorakhpur For The Promotion Of Hindi.  It Was Attended By Students Of Tel Aviv University, Israel, along with Dr. Genady Shlomper - Hindi Instructor at Tel Aviv University. Pic Source: Aavartan

Aavartan Research Journal In Tandem With Gorakhpur University Organized A Seminar In Gorakhpur For The Promotion Of Hindi. It Was Attended By Students Of Tel Aviv University, Israel, along with Dr. Genady Shlomper – Hindi Instructor at Tel Aviv University. Pic Source: Aavartan

( First published in Northern India Patrika, October 11, 2014)

Last month Aavratan, a reputed research journal,  organized a seminar in coordination with  Deen Dayal Upadhyay University situated in Gorakhpur. This Gorakhpur based research journal in the past has published excellent papers revealing lesser known facets of critical issues. The seminar was dedicated to promotion of Hindi- the official language of India. The star attraction of the event was the presidential speech by Dr. Genadi Shlomper, who happened to be Hindi Instructor at East Asia Department, Tel Aviv University, Israel. It was a pretty interesting experience to hear from Dr.Genadi about his involvement with Hindi during formative years of his career. It was evident from his speech that even if Hindi has failed to emerge as national language of India, it has emerged as an International language like its counterpart Spanish and English.  

His insights proved to be an eye-opener for huge crowd which had gathered there to listen a foreign visitor throwing light on worth of dealing in Hindi! After all, despite constitutional obligations Hindi has failed to get status of national language. Even in routine life of an average Indian enjoying upper middle class stature Hindi enjoys position of illegitimate wife!  Indians have beaten Englishmen in exhibiting their love for Victorian ideals and, of course, for English. Besides Dr. Genady, listeners also had a wonderful opportunity to hear Israeli students pursuing Hindi language course at Tel Aviv University. Offir Mizrahi, Tal Gorsky, Matan Massika, Yakir Dahari, Alexandra Fer and Adi Fischer who were visiting various parts of India to understand the essence of Hindi in more refined manner had so many interesting tales to narrate regarding their experiences which they gathered during their current visit.

Dr Genady Shlomper, who is credited with introducing Hindi in Israeli Universities, loves to visit India so as to enable his students have first-hand-experience of Indian culture. That in his eyes would make his students grasp the intricacies associated with Hindi language in a better way. Informing about the curriculum associated with Hindi he said that at initial stages more stress is laid on making students familiar with script and grammar rules. The students who wish to pursue Hindi more seriously can get enrolled in third year of three-year graduation course. At this stage it needs to be informed that a student has to learn at least one Asian language as one of the subjects in first two years. However, he made it clear that government does not get involved in framing the curriculum. Above all, the students who wish to learn languages are primarily guided by career concerns instead of being charmed by the intrinsic beauty of ay language. Interestingly, Hindi is easy to grasp but once Israeli students become face-to-face with grammar the enthusiasm gets a big jolt!


Writer With Professor Dr. Genady Shlomper And Hindi Students Of Israel.  Pic Source:  Genady Shlomper

Writer With Professor Dr. Genady Shlomper And Hindi Students Of Israel At Gorakhpur University. Pic Source: Genady Shlomper


Dr. Genady, who got fascinated with Hindi since Tashkent days, said Universities in Russia in those days had no course specifically meant for Hindi learning. However, Urdu was being taught as one of the languages. He had no other option left other than to select Urdu. In those days there were also no books for learning these languages and students had to rely on lectures delivered by Professors in class. Finally, during one of his visits to India he managed to get hold of books related with Hindi. One of the reason he selected Hindi was that in eyes of his mentors it provided greater opportunity for career growth. Even in our times as India is on the verge of emerging economic superpower, learning Hindi  widens the scope of landing your dream job. More and more foreign companies are entering in Indian markets to promote their brands. That means increased role of translators in the grand scheme of things primarily controlled by Capitalism!

Dr Genady finally moved to Israel from Russia to ensure a better future for himself. Ironically, students accompanying Dr. Genady had some bitter truths to share pertaining to materialistic world in the process of unfolding their love for Hindi. Yakir Dahari, a die-hard fan of Hindi movies, hit hard at the prevalent corruption in Israel. Citing India’s war against corruption, led by Anna Hazare, Yakir informed that youths in Israel have also waged a war against corrupt institutions, which had resulted in ouster of influential people from public domain. Adi Fisher, a married Israeli student, says that living a decent life has become a herculean task. She has delayed the birth of child so as to ensure better days! In fact, costly living standards have forced the youths to share the home built by their parents since owning a separate house in limited income is virtually impossible. In lighter vein, Alexandara’s sweet gestures on Bollywood numbers along with other Israeli students gave clue about the rocking presence of Indian movies in distant lands! It was an unique experience to see them singing a gem from classic era: Babuji Dheere Chalna Pyar Mein Zara Sambhalana!


The Students Had The Opportunity To Visit Various Places In India Rich In Cultural Terms.  Right Now They Are At Sangam, Allahabad! Pic Source: Genady Shlomper

The Students Had The Opportunity To Visit Various Places In India Rich In Cultural Terms. Right Now They Are At Sangam, Allahabad! Pic Source: Genady Shlomper


Israel continues to inspire Indians in one more way. Its aggressive stance against countries trying to sabotage its sovereignty appeals a lot to sentiments of Indian people who wish India to adopt similar line of action. Dr. Genady had to face barrage of questions in this regard much against his desire to be above controversial issues. He was interested in being seen as a professor involved in promotion of Hindi instead of being seen as a political analyst. He cleverly avoided all such disturbing questions but not without mentioning that not all Israelis agree with tough stand of Israel government against enemy nations. There are serious differences making it clear that opinion of people differ from the ones who rule the government. Whatever be the truth, Indian students who had gathered to interact with Dr. Genady were keen to know from him the elements that have gone into the making of an average Israeli committed to defend Israel at any cost! The questions from students give a clue about it. One student asked: Are students trained that way from the beginning? Another asked: Is the curriculum framed that way which ensures the rise of ferocious nationalists?

Dr. Genady is convinced that Hindi is going to strengthen its impact in coming days. It’s going to make its presence felt in a big way in International arena. What he does not realize that in India it’s losing its charm. Newer distortions like  “Hinglish” and mindless aping of global values have made Hindi attain an object of ridicule in fast-growing middle class. It’s really unfortunate that Indians feel more pride in speaking wrong English than speaking flawless standard Hindi. That’s the reason why speaking courses in English are hot favourite among Indian students. It’s amazing that even after so many years of India’s independence the Central government is clueless about true status of Hindi in India. It continues to create ambiguity between “national language” and “official language”! The southern states continue to see introduction of Hindi not as something inspired by love for country but something arising of politics of language! That makes it obvious that foreign scholars like Dr Genady Shlomper might be a source of inspiration to embrace Hindi in a substantive way, the will to respect Hindi has to come from Indians alone. Indians alone need to develop an atmosphere conductive for growth of Hindi in significant way both in Indian landscape and in foreign lands.


This write-up first appeared in Northern India Patrika, a news daily published from Allahabad, on October 11, 2014.

This write-up first appeared in Northern India Patrika, a news daily published from Allahabad, on October 11, 2014.



A Brief Meeting With Dr. Genady Shlomper- Hindi Instructor In Israel!

हिंदी सिर्फ हमारी ही नहीं है: इजराइल के हिंदी प्रेमियों के संग गुज़ारे कुछ यादगार लम्हे!

Gorakhpur: A City That Showed Israeli Students Ideal Merger Of Cultural And Literary Values (Photo Feature)

The Compositions Of Lesser Heard Indian Music Directors

Indian Film Industry Gave Recognition To Many  Talented Souls But There Were Many Great Souls Who Failed To Get Due Credit!

Indian Film Industry Gave Recognition To Many Talented Souls But There Were Many Great Souls Who Failed To Get Due Credit!

Indian movies are incomplete without music. Music in Indian movies provide them a distinguished appeal making them stand apart from Western movies relying heavily on storyline. In fact, movie named Indrasabha which was released in 1932 had more than 70 songs! It holds the world record for maximum number of songs in any musical. Let’s not forget that it was the second year after Alam Ara -the first movie to have sound in 1931.  And in the very second year of introduction of sound we created record number of songs in one feature film! That substantiates our craze for songs! Anyway, we are now living in ultra-modern age wherein Indian film music differs hugely from days when it first came into existence in 30’s. The musical journey which began in first half of 1930  witnessed  until now host of talented music directors who provided listeners haunting tunes set upon Indian classical music. Some of them gained huge popularity but there were unfortunate ones as well who despite providing real good music failed to shine brightly. However, the few songs which they came to compose remain evergreen in memories. They are priceless gems for any music lover who has got refined taste for music.


This song is from movie “Aag” (1948).  Raj Kapoor made his directorial debut with this movie. It was made on complex theme that true beauty is more than skin deep! Raj Kapoor was pretty young when he directed this movie but his mature treatment of this complex subject proved beyond doubt that India was about to see rise of great film maker. Ram Ganguly gave memorable music in this movie. The song sung by Mukesh” Dil Jalta Hai To Jalne De” and “Dekh Chand Ki Aur” sung by Sailesh Mukherji and Meena Kapoor left listeners spellbound. Mukesh virtually imitated K L Saigal while rendering “Dil Jalta Hai To Jalne De” but he went on to develop his own style of singing in later years. Ram Ganguly gave fabulous music in this movie but he failed to strike rapport with Raj Kapoor. That ensured arrival of Shankar- Jaikshan in Raj Kapoor’s life. This song sung by Shamshad Begum is picturized on Nargis.

This song from movie Saranga (1961) composed by Sardar Malik and penned by Bharat Vyas. It’s based on Raga Yaman Kalyan- a raga sung in night hours. Saradar Malik was a very talented music director  but unfortunately he belonged to era wherein great composers ruled the roost. The period between 1950 and 1960 set high standards in field of Indian music with likes of Shankar Jaikishan, Hemant Kumar, Naushad, Ravi and Madan Mohan, to name a few,  delivered their best work. It was a Herculean task  for a new composer to make itself known in that period since not much space existed. However, some of the songs composed by Sardar Malik have managed to retain their charm even after so many decades. They are “Aye Gham-E-Dil Kya Karu” (Talat Mahmood in Thokar), “Ha Diwana Hoon Main” (Mukesh in Saranga) and “Mai Gareebo Ka Dil Hoon Watan Ki Zubaan” (Hemant Kumar in Ab-E-Hyaat). He died in 2006 after battling with long disease. And yes, he was  father of Anu Malik- the talented musician of current era.

This song composed by Snehal Bhatkar was written by Kidar Nath Sharma. Kidar Nath Sharma was a genius in a sense that he introduced giants in Indian movie landscape like Raj Kapoor, Madhubala and Geeta Bali! He was also a lyricist besides being a legendary movie maker. Anyway, this song sung by Mubarak Begum received a lukewarm response at initial stages. However, it’s mesmeric haunting tune and brilliant picturization ensured that it became a huge hit. It’s one of the few songs which did not let Snehal Bhatkar and Mubarak Begum fade into oblivion. This song is picturized on gorgeous Tanuja who was then struggling hard to ensure her place in film industry. This movie finally let her had desired stardom. Snehal Bhatkar mainly worked for the production of Kidar Nath Sharma. Besides this song, this number “Lehron Pe Lahar Ulfat Hai Jawan” (Chhabili released in year 1960)  in voice of Heman Kumar made Snehal Bhatkar a household name in his era.

Hansraj Behl
started giving music in late 40’s and  managed to carve indelible impressions on minds of music lovers. Although he stayed in world of music for nearly three decades, he did not get much chance to explore his talent. His music appeared in movies which failed to do good business. As a result of that not much opportunity came his way, leading to manifestation of just few good songs on his part. However, songs like “Bheega Bheega Pyar Ka Sama” ( Sawan released in 1959), “Zindagi Bhar Gham Judaai Ka” ( Miss Bombay released in 1957) and “Jahan Daal-2 Par Sone Ki Chidiya” (Sikandar-E-Azam released in 1965). This song is from movie Changez Khan released in 1957 and is  written by Qamar Jalalabadi. It has such a soulful prelude that it makes the song immortal. The unusual depth exhibited by Rafi in this song makes this song very special at least in my eyes!

Iqbal Qureshi
did not get much opportunity to exhibit his talent in Indian movies but he still managed to carve a niche for himself by composing beautiful songs which refuse to part ways from memories of listeners. Love In Shimla, Panchayat, Yeh Dil Kisko Doon, Cha Cha Cha, Umar Qaid and Banarasi Thug, to name a few, were some of the prominent movies which featured his music. “Do Badan Pyar Ki Aag Me Jal Gaye Ek Chameli Ke Mandave Tale” is technically a Nazm which is different than a Ghazal. Famous Urdu poet Shahryar speaking about Nazm says that in Nazm poet deals specifically with the theme while Ghazal is more a generalized take on a certain theme. In movies we so often find Ghazals but Nazms are a rarity. This “Nazm” which appeared in movie Cha Cha Cha (1964) was penned by famous Urdu poet Makhdoom Mohiuddin. Chandrashekhar and Helen played the lead roles in this movie.

6. S. Mohinder: Guzra Hua Zamana Aata Nahi Doobara

To understand the depth of his music one needs to listen songs from movie Shirin Farhad released in 1956. S. Mohinder who became associated with Filmistan Studio learnt the basics of Indian classical music in Varanasi. He was born in Pakistan but later migrated to India. The movies in which he gave music were commercially not successful  which prevented this talented musician from attaining desired fame. However, he got National Award in 1970 for movie Nanak Naam Jahaz Hai (1969). This sad number  sung by Lata Mangeshkar has been written by Tanveer Naqvi.

Ramlal Choudhry, Ganesh, Dan Singh,  Lachhiram Tamar and G.S. Kohli:

The common link among all these talented music directors is that despite exhibiting their talent in exceptional way, they just could not withstand the dirty politics played by vested interests in film industry. Ramlal Chaudhary who gave  memorable songs in Sehra (1963) and Geet Gaya Pattharon Ne (1964) was unhappy the way well-known music directors of his age campaigned against him in vicious manner. That forced him to start his own production but this did not augur well for him.

Dan Singh also became victim of negative publicity done by powerful music directors who felt threatened by his talent. In his later years, he could not hide his pain and brought in light the dirty tricks employed by reputed music directors to crush the emerging talents in film industry. He accused few well-known music directors of stealing his compositions. Anyway, Dan Singh’s melodious numbers in My Love (1970) made his presence immortal. “Zikra Hota Hai Jab Qayamat Ka” sung by Mukesh makes any good listener go into trance!

G.S Kohli assisted music director O P Nayyar in many of his hit movies before giving music independently. His career as independent music director did not last for long. After giving music in movies like Shikari, Faulad, Mr. India (1961) and Bhai-Bahen, to name a few, he faded into oblivion. However,  anybody who comes to listen this Shikari song “Tumko Piya Dil Diya Kitne Naaz Se” is bound to become curious about maker of this evergreen song!

Ganesh gave beautiful songs in movies like Kundan, Anjam, Thakur Jarnail Singh, Husn Aur Ishq , Badnaam and Chalak, to name a few. However, this song picturized on Helen made his name eternal in Hindi film music: Hum Tere Bin Jee Na Sakenge (Thakur Jarnail Singh). Interestingly, Shikari’s (music by G.S. Kohli) famous song also features Helen!

Lachhiram Tamar made his presence quite early in Indian film industry. Champa which was made in (1945) was followed by  Badnami, Kahan Gaye, Shalimar, Mohini, Ameer, Razia Sultana and Mai Suhagan Hun (1964) He gave music in as many as twenty movies. His fame rests upon songs he composed for  Mai Suhagan Hun (1964). The songs like “Aye dil machal machal ke yun rota hai zar zar kya” (Lata) and “Dhalti Jayen Raat Kahle Dil Ki Baat” ( Asha/Rafi in Razia Sultana {1961} ) enchant the listeners even in this age marred by loud music!

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