हिन्दुओ की अपने देश में ही क़द्र नहीं. सिर्फ मै नहीं कहता सब कह रहे है.


हिमालय : तुमसे है एक गहरा रिश्ता

हिमालय : तुमसे है एक गहरा रिश्ता


कभी कभी कुछ चीजों का समझने के लिए आपको बड़ी बड़ी किताबो के साए में  नहीं रहना पड़ता. लोगो के बीच रहिये बड़े बड़े कडुवे सच आपको सुनने को मिलेंगे. मै चाहता तो पूर्व की भाँति बौद्धिक गिटपिट कर सकता मार्क्स के चेलो की तरह ये समझाने के लिए कि किस तरह से हिन्दुओ की आस्था, उनके मूल्यों या उनके प्रतीकों को बार बार मटियामेट किया जा रहा है. बौद्धिक विमर्श की एक कमजोरी मैंने ये देखी है कि बात सिर्फ बौद्धिक लोगो के बीच ही सिमट के रह जाती है. उसका सन्देश बहुत दूर तक जनमानस में घुस नहीं पाता. लिहाजा ये जरुरी हो गया है कि आम लोगो तक बात आम तरीके से ही पहुचे. या  दूसरे  शब्दों  में उनकी ही कही हुई बात को उनके बीच साफ़ सुथरे तरीके से रखी जाए. बहुत ज्यादा बौद्धिक आंच दे देने से बात का मूल तत्त्व जल के ख़ाक हो जाता है.लिहाजा कुछ बात मै यथावत वैसे ही रख रहा हूँ जो इधर कुछ दिनों में पढने को मिले. इनको आप क्लिष्ट समस्याओं का सरलीकरण ना समझे. ये समझे कि जब एक आदमी किसी बिंदु को समझता है तो कैसे समझता है.  बौद्धिक वर्ग जो इस लेख को पढ़े वो चाहे तो इन्ही बिन्दुओ का विस्तृत रूप अपने संदर्भो की रौशनी में पढ़ सकते है. वैसे ये अच्छा है कि एक आम हिन्दू अब सचेत हो रहा है उस राजनीति को लेकर जो उसके नाम से खेली जा रही है.  हिन्दुओ के अपने अष्मिता से खिलवाड़ का बोध हो चला है.  ये देश के अस्तित्व के लिए सुखद सन्देश है. 

पढ़े और देखे कि साधारण  हिन्दू क्या प्रश्न खड़े कर रहे है जिनसे हमारा बिका हुआ मीडिया हमेशा बचता है. मीडिया में  दलालनुमा पत्रकार  या लंठ मीडिया विशेषज्ञ आश्चर्य है कि कभी इन मुद्दों पे खुल कर नहीं बोलते सिवाय परदे के पीछे छुपे भेड़ियानुमा लोगो के स्वार्थ सिद्ध करने के सिवाय. 


अल्पसंख्यक के नाम पर चलनेवाली राजनीति  को समझना  जरूरी है.  मुसलमान या इसाई ही क्यों अल्पसंख्यक माने जाते है? 

अल्पसंख्यक किसे कहते है? जिसकी आबादी ४९% हो उसे ? जिसकी आबादी १०% से कम हो उसे या जिसकी आबादी १८% हो…

क्या है परिभाषा…. जैन लोग अल्पसंख्यक है या मुस्लिम समाज? सिख  अल्पसंख्यक है या बुद्धिस्ट ? क्या पारसी (TATA) लोग अल्पसंख्यक है? 

कौन है अल्पसंख्यक?

 Simran Rock


जरा इन  बयानों को देखिये: 

हजारों सिखों का कत्लेआम – एक गलती
कश्मीर में हिन्दुओं का नरसंहार – एक राजनैतिक समस्या

गुजरात में कुछ हजार लोगों द्वारा मुसलमानों की हत्या – एक विध्वंस 
बंगाल में गरीब प्रदर्शनकारियों पर गोलीबारी – गलतफ़हमी 

गुजरात में “परजानिया” पर प्रतिबन्ध – साम्प्रदायिक 
“दा विंची कोड” और “जो बोले सो निहाल” पर प्रतिबन्ध – धर्मनिरपेक्षता

कारगिल हमला – भाजपा सरकार की भूल
चीन का 1962 का हमला – नेहरू को एक धोखा

जातिगत आधार पर स्कूल-कालेजों में आरक्षण – सेक्यूलर
अल्पसंख्यक संस्थाओं में भी आरक्षण की भाजपा की मांग – साम्प्रदायिक 

सोहराबुद्दीन की फ़र्जी मुठभेड़ – भाजपा का सांप्रदायिक चेहरा
ख्वाजा यूनुस का महाराष्ट्र में फ़र्जी मुठभेड़ – पुलिसिया अत्याचार

गोधरा के बाद के गुजरात दंगे – मोदी का शर्मनाक कांड
मेरठ, मलियाना, मुम्बई, मालेगाँव आदि-आदि-आदि दंगे – एक प्रशासनिक विफ़लता

हिन्दुओं और हिन्दुत्व के बारे बातें करना – सांप्रदायिक
इस्लाम और मुसलमानों के बारे में बातें करना – सेक्यूलर

संसद पर हमला – भाजपा सरकार की कमजोरी
अफ़जल गुरु को सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश के बावजूद फ़ाँसी न देना – मानवीयता 

भाजपा के इस्लाम के बारे में सवाल – सांप्रदायिकता
कांग्रेस के “राम” के बारे में सवाल – नौकरशाही की गलती

यदि कांग्रेस लोकसभा चुनाव जीती – सोनिया को जनता ने स्वीकारा
मोदी गुजरात में चुनाव जीते – फ़ासिस्टों की जीत

सोनिया मोदी को कहती हैं “मौत का सौदागर” – सेक्यूलरिज्म को बढ़ावा
जब मोदी अफ़जल गुरु के बारे में बोले – मुस्लिम विरोधी

क्या इससे बड़े विरोधाभास उत्पन्न किये जा सकते है ?


Shwetank Tyagi

भारत में आतंकवाद करने के फायदे-

१.स्केच ऐसा बनेगा आपका की आप खुद ही अपनेको नहीं पहचान पाओगे..

२.अगर पकडे गए तो बिरयानी खाने को मिलेगी

३.हमारे गूंगे प्रधानमंत्री से अधिक मीडिया में दिखेंगे..!!

Hindu – 33 crore (94%)
Muslim – 3 crore (5%)
Others – 1 crore (1% )

In 2008:Hindu – 82 crore (75%) i.e.
growth rate in 61 years 249% @
4.07% per year
Muslim – 25 crore (23%) i.e.
growth rate in 61 years 833%
@13.7% per year
Others (Christians) – 3 crore (2%)

Situation in 2035 would be:

Muslim – 92.5 crore (46.8%)
Hindu – 90.2 crore (45.6 %) that
too if not a single convert to other
Others – 7.6 crore (7.6% )

Situation in 2050 would be:
Muslim – 189.62 crore (64%)


Hindu – 95.7 crore (32.3%)
Others -10.7 crore (3.6%)

It Doesnt include
Victims of Love Jehad.( Posted  on Facebook Wall )

Simran Rock:मुस्लमान वन्दे मातरम न बोले तो ये उन का धार्मिक मामला है…..
नरेन्द्र मोदी टोपी ना पहने तो ये उन का सांप्रदायिक मामला है……

डेनमार्क में अगर कोई फोटो बन गयी तो उस का सर कलम ….
श्रीराम की जमीन पर अगर मंदिर बना तो हिन्दू बेशर्म. ….

गोधरा में जो ५६ हिन्दू पहले जले वो भेड़ बकरी…..
और उस बाद जो मुस्लिम मरे वो देश के सच्चे प्रहरी,,,,,

१५ साल पहले ही कश्मीर हो गयी हिन्दुओ  से खाली…..
देश की बढती मुस्लिम आबादी हमारी खुशहाली…….

पठानी सूत,, नमाजी टोपी में वो ख़ूबसूरत…
हम सिर्फ राम कह दे तो आतंक की मूरत



PERSPECTIVE1) India Muslims are so patriot
that they are worried about
Laden’s (who has declared jihad
against India) burial given by
American Government so much
so that the Muslim Newspaper of
India criticized America for it and
sent their stooge Digvijay Singh to
express their sentiments.

2) India Muslims are so patriot
that anybody who allows illegal
Bangladeshi Muslims in India they
will give their votes to them and
anybody who is against
Bangladeshi illegal immigrants
will lose their votes.

3) Anybody who supports Laden
and criticize Hindus is their
messiah like Digvijay Singh. 

4) Many Indian Muslims in

Mumbai are diehards supporters
of Dawood and Indian Mujaheddin.
Muslim ghettos or “Mini pakistan”
in Mumbai provide support to

5) Indian Muslims are so patriot
that ATS of many states say that
they are not getting any support
from Indian Muslim community
and on contrary are facing
harassment from them by using
Human rights violation case
against them.

6) Indian Muslims call pakistanis
as Hum watan brothers and have
sympathies for pakistan.

7) When Pakistani terrorists
attacked Mumbai in 26/11 many
Indian Muslims leaders came with
theories that it is RSS, CIA,
MOSSAD black operations so that
their dear pakistan does not get
entangled in International Row.
Many Indian Muslim leaders
tried to force Indian Government
not to sign Nuclear Treaty with
America because their beloved
Islamic Nation Pakistan will get
weakened compared to India.

9) A Muslim Journalist himself
has revealed in his book BLACK
FRIDAY that it was Indian Muslim
Woman of Mumbai who provoked
DAWOOD to kill innocent Hindus.

10) Many Muslims Imams of UP
and Bihar openly say that they are
ISI agents.

Not every Indian Muslim is traitor
but to take Indian Muslims
Patriotism as granted is also


by: Hindutva-Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ********************

कहा मुसलमान खुश नहीं हैं! ??

वे गाजा में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे मिस्र में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे लीबिया में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे मोरक्को में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे ईरान में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे इराक में खुश नहीं हैं.
यमन में वे खुश नहीं हैं.
वे अफगानिस्तान में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे पाकिस्तान में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे सीरिया में खुश नहीं हैं.
वे लेबनान में खुश नहीं हैं.
……………………….. तो, जहां वे खुश हैं?

वे इंग्लैंड में खुश हैं.
वे फ्रांस में खुश हैं.
वे इटली में खुश हैं.
वे जर्मनी में खुश हैं.
वे स्वीडन में खुश हैं.
वे संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में खुश हैं.
वे नॉर्वे में खुश हैं.
वे हर देश है जो मुस्लिम नहीं है उसमें खुश हैं.

………………………………….. और वे किसे दोष नहीं है?

इस्लाम नहीं.
उनके नेतृत्व नहीं.
खुद को नहीं.

………… वे देशों जिसमे खुश हैं वे उसे दोष देते है

बहुत खूब और इतना सच

विरासत में मिली कट्टरता

विरासत में मिली कट्टरता

Pics Credit:Pic One

17 responses

  1. Prior to asking the question as to who is a minority, one may ask “Who is a Hindu?” and do all these “Hindus” agree wholeheartedly to the various concerns that this post tries to raise?

    1. What’s wrong in redefining the term minority and making it on par with realities of present times ?

      1. There is no wrong in redefining the term minority- I agree. Just want to point to the ways in which such a need to redefine has been “made to be most urgently felt” by certain kinds of ideologies! We can only be careful of certain errors we might end up committing!

  2. @Personal Concern

    Right you are that we should be not prejudiced in making such attempts but I feel all such attempts would not be influenced by any ulterior motives. The truth is that we need to clearly define the term minority to save this nation from going to dogs all in the name of politics taking place in the name of minorities.

    There is no need to panic as I feel it’s not any issue triggered by any Hindutva forces. That’s an issue which has arisen out of new sociological developments. One needs to know why Muslims who now have increased their strength since Independence are still treated as minorities ? That’s a pertinent issue from a conscious level and I don’t think that has to do anything with Hindu cause.

    1. Let me point out the prejudices which are glaringly present in your comment itself. While arguing like the way you do :
      a) There is a notion that the “nation is going to the dogs”. I would never be convinced of such a claim. This statement is mere rhetoric, I feel. It is equally plausible a statement that as a nation and as a democracy, India has done wonderfully (Not my opinion, just said this to counterpose another view).

      b) Musilms have “increased their strength”- what does it actually mean? Is it an increase in their numbers or is it a reference to their being increasingly influential in the public arena or is it their share in jobs etc or is it a reference to their economic/educational status. I am personally not convinced by any assertion that puts the Muslims (just an example in the present case) have actually been benefited to the desired extent.

      It is right to say that there are various other sections of our society which are facing similar hardships in as far as their access to constitutional provisions and guarantees is concerned. However that should not be a reason to believe that someone already benefiting (even supposedly) should be denied of whatever little that is available to him/her.

      There could be errors and problems with the way in which certain policies have been implemented by our Governments. And the ‘political’ angle to most things that we see are there. It is that implementation which needs rectification and not the underlying logic.

      Thanks for raising this issue up! Would love to hear more from you just in case there are things which remain!

      1. And what ensures implementation my friend ? That’s what I am trying to suggest. Here the choices made and the implementation itself are being decided not on merit but on political basis. You are quick to trace prejudices in what I said but have you dared to trace the sort of dangerous prejudices when a PM of a progressing democracy says that minorities have the first claim over resources ? That’s indeed sign of mature democracy!!

        Count number of blasts that have taken place in this nation since 9/11 and contrast it with the number of blasts that have taken place in U S which would let you know that we as a nation have gone to the dogs or not ? We have as nation surrendered the fate of ordinary citizens to the diktats of dangerous Islamic terrorists and all we do is relax the laws and allow likes of Afzal and Kasab enjoy on taxpayer’s money ?

        The people including children and women are mercilessly beaten during midnight leading to death of one Rajbala and many others seriously injured. On the other hand , dubious anti India elements in the same city organize a conference wherein anti-India sentiments rule the roost but that’s not threatening at all. That’s indeed sign of nation not gone to the dogs ?

        Lastly, When I have talked the about the notion pertaining to minorities, it simply deals with merit of using term minorities even as when they constitute a certain society in huge number ? Basically, I am myself eager to know what’s the criteria that determines relevance of any section falling in minority arena?

        Probably, you are more interested in deviation from the central theme and that makes you hyper conscious as to what really “strength means” ? Since I am interested in dealing more with the central theme and less in proving prejudices, I would like you to read the detailed Allahabad judgment relating with the term minority and which ultimately concluded that Muslims do not have the right to use term minority.

        It has gone in extreme details citing many judgement of Apex Court. It has also framed grounds pertaining to the use of term minority. While I might have referred to this important issue in my present write up in a less serious way but nevertheless I had dealt with it quite seriously in private sphere


        Excerpts from the historic judgement:

        In view of the discussions made above, the Court holds that as follows:-

        (a) Muslims have now ceased to be religious minorities in India and in any case in State of Uttar Pradesh on the basis of their population & strength.

        (b) Muslims also constitute an important part of the citizenry of India and has a important role to play in developing India as a strong nation. It is necessary that all citizens must be assimilated as citizenry of India who are also liable to perform their duties towards the nation and society at large as contemplated under Article 51-A of the Constitution of India.

        “A perusal of the chart of the Census available on record also makes it clear that in a number of provinces the population of Muslims is more than 25%. In case Muslim community was in a dominant position at the time of partition only on the basis of 12.58% population and only 3% of Muslim population transferred to Pakistan after partition as is clear from the census of the 1951, though most of the population belonging to Muslim Religious Community throughout India supported partition and achieved their goal as is clear from the Constituent Assembly Debates. Such Religious group has now become a majority group again on the basis of their increased strength & population and if proper Training & Education of patriotism and secularism is not given and are left with any religious elements, it may give rise to multi-nationalism in India. This caution was made by the Apex Court in Bal Patil’s case (supra) and as such this Court of the firm view that if in 1941, 12.58% population of Muslims was so powerful that they succeeded in dividing the country how the present population of 18.5% of muslims in the State of Uttar Pradesh could be treated as a religious minority community and a non-dominant group.”

        “Upto 1941, Muslim community never claimed any minority rights. The Hindu and Muslim population ratio available on record makes it clear that Muslim population never gone beyond 12.58% prior to 1941.”

        “This Court is of the view that on the basis of population Muslim religious community is only single Religious Majority in democratic India and could not be recognised as a religious minority community.”

        As stated (supra) that neither Union of India nor State of Uttar Pradesh or Minority Commission of India or State Minority Commission brought any material to show that what are the norms for declaring any community as religious minority community, this Court on consideration of proceedings of Constituent Assembly and judgments of the Apex Court considered the question of religious minority and its various aspects….

        Thus, on the discussion made above, the Court’s conclusions are as follows:

        1. Protection under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India was not a privilege, but was a protection to the Religious minority communities to attain equality with other religious groups of India.

        2. Protection under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India was given to such minorities categorised in three categories by the Constituent Assembly on the basis of population & strength which were non-dominant groups in India at the time of partition of India, i.e., (i) having 1/2 per cent population and strength, (ii) having population and strength less than 1-1/2% and (iii) having population and strength above 1-1/2%. That will be the basis of to determine minority.

        3. The Muslims religious communities in India in 2001 constituted 13.80 percent of the total population of India and 18.50 percent of total population in the State of Uttar Pradesh and is now a dominant group dominating all other religious groups in Uttar Pradesh in all walk of life including the constitutional democratic process.

        4. The Muslims religious community has throughout been a well-organized and strongly knitted community and not a weak religious community. It was never regarded as weaker section or underprivileged section of the society. Considering the religious population in India as well as in the State of Uttar Pradesh, Muslims are only majority religious community in comparison with other religious communities in India and other religious communities are in minority in comparison to the Muslims.

        “It was also brought to the notice of this Court that that Constituent Assembly debates make it clear that minorities were recognised according to their strength and their population. Above minorities were divided in 3 groups i.e. A, B, and C as mentioned in the schedule prepared by a Committee on Minority Rights.”

        “Sri Shashi Shekhar Tiwari, learned counsel appearing for Union of India and National Commission for Minority of India, New Delhi through its Chairman and the Registrar General, Census Department, New Delhi urged that the notification dated 23.10.1993 was rightly issued and these religious groups including Muslims were rightly recognised as religious minority communities. Inspite of Court’s direction, he could not produce any material disclosing basis of declaring any community as religious minority.Justice Sachchar Committee’s report called for by the Court was also not filed by the learned counsel for the Union of India, though Union of India, National Commission for Minority of India, New Delhi and State Minority Commission have filed their respective affidavits and the Registrar General, Census Department, New Delhi has also filed details of various Census data including 1951 and 2001 on all India basis as well as Districtwise Data of State of U.P. on religious basis which are on record. Inspite of best efforts neither State nor Central Minority Commission filed any document to show the basis for declaration of any group as minority community…

        Though this Court by a specific direction directed Union of India and other Opp. Parties to inform the Court what are the basis or reasons or criterion for declaring any community as religious minority community, but neither Union of India not the State of Uttar Pradesh brought any material on record to show criterion for determining a community as religious minority community and as such this Court while considering the question whether Muslim community is a religious minority has to see the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly and various judgments of Apex Court and other Court. Minority has not been defined in the Constitution of India”

        “The draft article and the Constituent assembly Debates in unambiguous terms show that minority status of a group of persons has to be determined on the basis of population of a State or Union Territory.”

        “Though this Court by a specific direction directed Union of India and other Opp. Parties to inform the Court what are the basis or reasons or criterion for declaring any community as religious minority community, but neither Union of India not the State of Uttar Pradesh brought any material on record to show criterion for determining a community as religious minority community and as such this Court while considering the question whether Muslim community is a religious minority has to see the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly and various judgments of Apex Court and other Court. Minority has not been defined in the Constitution of India.”

        And why the term was not defined..

        “For instance, for the purposes of this Art. 23, if a certain number of people from Madras came and settled in Bombay for certain purposes, they would be, although not a minority in the technical sense, cultural minorities. Similarly, if a certain number of Maharastrians went from Maharashtra and settled in Bengal, although they may not be minorities in technical true sense, they would be cultural and linguistic minorities in Bengal.
        The Article intends to give protection in the matter of culture, language and script not only to a minority technically, but also to a minority in the wider sense of the term as I have explained just now. That is the reason why we dropped the word minority because we felt that the word might be interpreted in the narrow sense of the term when the intention of this House, when it passed Art. 18, was to use the word “minority” in a much wider sense, so as to give cultural protection to those who were technically not minorities but minorities nonetheless.” (See Constituent Assembly Debates Official Report reprinted by Lok Sabha Secretariat).

        ….The word ‘minority’ is not defined in the Constitution but literally it means ‘a non-dominant’ group. It is a relative term and is referred to, to represent the smaller of two numbers, sections or group called ‘majority’. In that sense, there may be political minority, religious minority, linguistic minority, etc.”

        ” The questions arise to be considered Whether sense of insecurity and lack of confidence prevailing at the time of partition still continuing in 2007 and Muslim community are still continuing as minority and how minority will be calculated in comparison to which religious group?

        In order to consider these questions, the Court has gone through the relevant part of proceeding of Constituent Assembly.

        Constituent Assembly Debates (Proceedings commenced on 9.12.1946 and continued till 24.1.1950 (Vol. 1, published by Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, 1989))make it clear that Constituent Assembly appointed an Advisory Committee on minority, which submitted a report on minority rights before the Constituent Assembly. Constituent Assembly deliberated the issue and fixed certain percentage of population for consideration of any community as religious minority community.

        From perusal of the report, it transpires that the Advisory Committee on Minority divided minorities according to their strength and population and prepared a Schedule in three parts, the same is being reproduced below:-
        “…We have divided the minorities according to their strength or according to their population. In the Schedule the three parts are set out and dealt with separately because they require separate consideration proportion to their strength….”

        The Court is considering of only such religious minorities mentioned in the Schedule of Advisory Committee on Minority, notified in notification dated 23.10.1993 issued by Government of India under Section 2(c) of National Minority Commission Act, 1992.

        From perusal of the Constituent Assembly Debates dated 27th August, 1947, it is clear that the Schedule of religious minority communities was prepared, the same is being detailed below:-
        “Group: A-Population less � per cent, in the Indian Dominion omitting States.

        B- Population not more than 1-1/2 per cent.
        3.Indian Christians.
        C- Population more than 1-1/2 per cent.

        Considering the controversy of Muslim minority in its entirety, this Court feels it appropriate to consider whether the Muslims in India or in State of Uttar Pradesh are non-dominant group which is the intention of the Constitution of India as held by the Apex Court in Eleven Judges’ Bench Judgment in T.M.A. Pai Foundation case (supra) followed by the judgments of the Apex Court reported in 2005 (3) ESC 373, (2003) SCC (6) 697, Islamic Academy of Education and another v. State of Karnataka and others.

        “The expression ‘minority’ has been used in Article 29 and 30 of the Constitution but it has nowhere been defined. The Preamble of the Constitution proclaims to guarantee every citizen ‘liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship’. Group of Articles 25 to 30 guarantee protection of religious, cultural and educational rights to both majority and minority communities. It appears that keeping in view the constitutional guarantees for protection of cultural, educational and religious rights of all citizens, it was not felt necessary to define ‘minority’. Minority as understood from constitutional scheme signifies an identifiable group of people or community who were seen as deserving communities who happen to be in majority and like to gain political power in a democratic form of Government based on election.”

        “In view of the judgment of the Apex Court in Bal Patil case (supra) after considering T.M.A. Pai Foundation case, it is clear that intention to provide minority status was to remove sense of insecurity and lack of confidence in the mind of Muslim and other religious communities at the time of partition of India and further the Apex Court cautioned the country not to create a theocratic State based on multi-nationalism and refused to recognise Jain as a minority.

        Considering the matter in its entirety, criterion for minority, i.e., population and strength and also judgments of the Apex Court referred above that the intention was to provide protection to a non-dominant group, this Court is of the view that at present Muslim religious community in U.P. is not a religious minority as there is no sense of insecurity or lack of confidence prevailing amongst them in present scenario. According to the finding of the Apex Court in T.M.A. Pai Foundation case (supra) that Muslim minority is not weaker or unprivileged section of the society.”

        “The above historical background makes it clear that the Muslim Religious Community was a privileged class in comparison to Non-Muslim religious communities during Muslim Rules and also continuing as such during British Rule which developed a complex in Muslim Religious Community and in order to revive aforesaid privilege the Muslim Religious Community claimed partition of India. Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan which were part of ancient India were separated from it and are Islamic States and non-muslim religious communities are compelled to reside under the Islamic Rules.”

        “It is also made clear that as Muslim Religious community has throughout been remained as a privileged class for centuries, how they became backward and if Muslim religious community claims any special/minority right being backward, who is to be blamed is not a controversy involved in the present case and as such this Court is not expressing any opinion.

        Sri Pocker Mohammed, a member of Constituent Assembly participating in the proceeding of Constituent Assembly rightly said that the Muslims are a strongly knitted community, therefore, if special rights are not given to them they will become desperate. Data given above makes it clear that Muslim religious group is now a dominant political force in democratic India on the basis of their population, voting rights in election and strength in getting elected their representative and in electing their own Government of their dominating choice on the basis of their population.”

        “At present, from State of Uttar Pradesh, 18 Members of Muslim Religion community are in Parliament, nine Members in Legislative Council and 45 Members Members in Legislative Assembly (From Information Diary, 2007 of Government of State of Uttar Pradesh, Published by Information and Public Relation Department). India has also elected three Presidents of India belonging to Muslim Religion community. In India in the communities other than Muslims there are about 6400 casts and sub-castes, more than 100 religious groups of different thoughts and belief and several ethnic groups and all other religious groups/communities are reduced to minority and no other religious group/community, except Muslim community is dominant in India. It is also clear from the Census report of 2001 that Muslims who were 18.50% in 2001, by now after six years in 2007, must have gone above 18.50%, are at present single dominating religious group in comparison to other religious communities in India. In most of the Districts of Uttar Pradesh, Muslims are a dominant religious group constituting population from 20% to 50% according to Census Report of 2001 and in some Districts Muslim population is more than the population of all other religious group. Taking together Muslims at present are a dominant religious majority community affecting all walks of life of Indian society including political scene in the State of U.P. as well and are only dominant religious force/community in comparison to other religious group in India. Neither any sense of insecurity at present is in Muslim Religion Community nor Muslims lack confidence in any field in India. To the contrary as is clear from the Constituent Assembly debates and other materials, members of other remaining religious community were described as deaf and dumb and peace-loving as stated by some of members of Constituent Assembly and have no dominance. It is also clear from the Census Report, 2001 that in Bihar population of Muslims is 1,37,22,048 and Hindu population is 6,90,076,919, in West Bengal Muslim’s population was 2,02,40,543 and Hindu population was 5,81,04,835 and in Kerala Hindu population was 1,78,,83,449, Muslim population was 78,63,842 and Christian population was 60,057,427. Similar is the position in other States also. In all India basis also, population of Muslim Religion community constitute 13.60% and they are dominant group in all respects, i.e., strength and population in comparison to other religious groups in India, but in the State of Uttar Pradesh Muslims are no more religious minority group requiring any minority status.”

        “The percentage of different religion groups considered by the Constituent Assembly for minorities were in three Groups, i.e., Group A- less than 1/2%, Group B- less than 1-1/2% and Group C- above 1-1/2%. Muslims at that time were above 1-1/2%. The Constituent Assembly fixed criteria for above 1-1/2% which may be interpreted as not more than 2% otherwise Constituent Assembly may have mentioned it less than 5%, but Constituent Assembly considered only above 1-1/2% in the Schedule which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly for recognising a religious community as minority.

        “Thus the Constituent Assembly while framing Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India was to provide equality of minority and majority and not to give any privilege based on inequality.
        Constituent Assembly provided protection to Religious Minority Communities to ensure equality with rest of the society which was felt necessary by the framers of Constitution of India taking into consideration the circumstances prevailing at that time.”

        “Thus, with the dictum of Pai Foundation, it cannot be doubted that a minority, whether linguistic or religious, is determinable only by a reference to the demography of a State and not by taking into consideration the population of the country as a whole.”

        This Court after considering all the materials in its entirety is of the view that so far as the linguistic minority is concerned, 50% of the total population may be considered for recognising any group as religious minority as after re-organisation of the States on linguistic basis, the States may be considered for determining the linguistic minority, but so far as religious minority is concerned, India is a secular State and the States were not formed on the basis of religion, therefore, the question further arises to be considered how population of 50% of the religious minority or minority may be considered.”

        “Even if considering the religious population, the Indian society within the fold of Hindu culture consists of several hundreds of religious groups, castes, sub-castes and several ethnic groups having different beliefs, different thoughts, different way of worship and different way of life are individually less than 50% and, thus, these religious groups also constitute minority in comparison to Muslim Religious community.”

        “All religions other than Muslims mentioned above (supra) in vogue in State of Uttar Pradesh constitute religious minority group and as such the argument of learned counsel for the petitioners that all other religious groups should be taken into account together and religious minority could be considered in the context of entire Hindu Culture and Civilisation while considering the Muslim religious minority is not acceptable, as has been held by the Apex Court in Bal Patil’s case (supra) that Hindu Society is divided in different castes, sub-castes and different ethnic groups.

        This Court is of the firm view that Muslim Religious Community now are not entitled to get any protection under Article 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India as a religious minority community in Uttar Pradesh. The recent judgment reported in (2007) 2, SCC 1, I.R. Colho (dead) by Lrs Vs. State of T.N of Nine Hon’ble Judges Bench of the Apex Court has laid down that power exercised by the Constituent Assembly was a constituent power given by the people of India. This Court after taking into consideration proceedings of Constitutional Assembly as well as the report of Advisory Committee on Minority is further of the firm view that the notification dated 23.10.1993 under the National Commission of Minority Act, 1992 issued by the Union of India declaring Muslim as minority is liable to be amended as Muslim Religious community is the only single largest Religious majority group in comparison to other religious groups and is not entitle to get any protection under Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution of India.”


        Lastly, read this section of the judgment:

        A Constitution Bench judgment of the Apex Court in Islamic Academy of Education and another v. State of Karnataka following T.M.A. Pai Foundation case (supra) has discussed the law relating to minority in Paragraphs 107 and 118 of the judgment, same are being reproduced below:-

        “107. The question, thus, has to be considered keeping in view the fact that every Indian may be a minority, either based on religion or language, in one part of the country of the other. The right of a citizen as a minority in one part of the country cannot be higher than his right as a member of majority in another part of the country.

        118…….If a measure tends to perpetuate inequality and makes the goal of equality a mirage, such measure should not receive the approval of the Court. The Court, in such circumstances, has to mould the relief by indicating what would be the reasonable measure or action which furthers the object of achieving equality. The concept of equality is not a doctrinaire approach. It is a binding thread which runs through the entire constitutional text. An affirmative action may, therefore, be constitutionally valid by reason of Articles 15(4) and 16(4) and various directive principles of State policy, but the Court cannot ignore the constitutional morality which embraces in itself the doctrine of equality. It would be constitutionally immoral to perpetuate inequality among majority people of the country in the guise of protecting the constitutional rights of minorities and constitutional rights of the backward and downtrodden. All the rights of these groups are part of the right to social development which cannot render national interest and public interest subservient to right of an individual or right of a community.”



        Now I hope the rhetoric gives way to some standard facts !!!

  3. The article receive d good response on various others forums.. I need to thank Ruchi Srivatastava, Radiodost , Anjan Kumar and Manoj Kumar Tiwary , to name a few, for their appreciation and remarks..

    For instance Manish Tripathi said:

    Yes very true observation…These are astonishing facts..

    My response to Manish Tripathi:

    मनीष ये देख के बेहद ख़ुशी हुई कि कम से कम आप बहुत सचेत हो चले है इस दिशा में ..उम्मीद है तुमने लेख पूरा पड़ा होगा …मैंने इस लेख में जरुर शुरू के हिस्सों में अपनी बात कही है पर इन विचारो के सम्बन्ध में ठोस राय अन्य लोगो के विचारो का समावेश करके ही बनायीं है..

    इस तरह से इस लेख में एक व्यापकता और प्रमाणिकता है है विचारो के स्तर पे..सिर्फ अपनी ही बात कहता बिना तथ्य के तो शायद बहुत अच्छा असर ना पड़ता!!

    भाई जब कलम उठाई थी तो इस संकल्प के साथ उठाई थी कि वो बात नहीं करूँगा जो बिके हुए लोग मीडिया में बोलते है..

    नतीजा ये हुआ कि ऐसे सच तो हमेशा मैंने कहें पर काहे सच को सच कहा ऐसा कहकर मेरे लिए लोगो ने जिंदगी थोड़ी कठिन बना दी और पैसा भी नहीं दिया ..हा..हा..हा.. पैसा खाली झूठ फैलाने पे मिलता है ना 🙂


  4. Bijay Jha said on Facebook :

    क्योँकि एक हिन्दू स्वयं को हिन्दू कहने, लिखने , समझने से डरता है।


    My response to Bijay Jha:

    ये बरसो के थोपे हुएँ विदेशी ज्ञान की बदौलत है !!

  5. Intense discussions also took place on other prominent Facebook Forums. Some of the views are being placed here:

    Ruchi Srivastava at Halla Bol Forum On Facebook:

    थैंक्स तो आपका करना चाहिए इसके लिए इस लेख को हर हिन्दू को पड़ना चाहिए …

    My response to Ruchi:

    आपकी सराहना के लिए आपको धन्यवाद. मै माध्यम भले बना इस लेख का पर इस लेख में जो भावनाएं निहित है वो आप जैसे सचेत हिन्दू वर्ग की है.. इस बात के लिए भी धन्यवाद कि आपने लेख शेयर करके इस बात का परिचय दिया कि आपकी कथनी और करनी में फर्क नहीं.. उम्मीद है कि आपसे मुलाक़ात होती रहेगी विमर्शो के संसार में…


    Ranjan Kumar at Halla Bol Forum On Facebook:

    बहुत ही सुन्दर लेख है …इतिहास साक्षी है की जब भी हिंदू घटा है या बँटा है वो स्थान हिन्दुस्तान से अलग हुआ है और इस्लामिक राष्ट्र बना है !! ६४ साल से कंग्रेस ने सिर्फ मुस्लिम वोट बैंक की राजनीति करती आई है ..और आज ये स्थिति है की आज हमे ही हमारे देश में हमे आतंकवादी कहा जा रहा है ..हम सारे हिन्दुओं को कांग्रेस का हमेशा के लिए बहिस्कार कर देना चाहिए !

    My response to Ranjan:

    आपने बिल्कुल सही जगह चोट की है..ये अत्यंत खेद की बात है कि हिन्दू अपने देश में ही दोयम दर्जे के नागरिक होते जा रहे है. वे अपने अधिकारों ,अपने प्रतीकों, अपनी आस्था से जुड़े प्रश्नों पे विचार करे तो उन्हें उग्र मान लिया जाता है और सबसे आश्चर्य कि बात है कि इस्लामिक आतंकियों के आतंक को नष्ट करने की बजाय ये साबित किया जा रहा ही कि हिन्दू भी आतंकी है.

    तो इस तरह से मुकाबला किया जा रहा है उन खतरनाक देशी विदेशी ताकतों का जो संसद से हाई कोर्ट या सडको से लेकर ट्रेनों तक में विस्फोट कर सकते है खुले आम.. आप इनका नेटवर्क मत ध्वस्त करिए बस हिन्दुओ को ही आतकंवादी साबित कर दीजिये ..ऐसा करने से इस्लामी आतंकवाद ख़त्म हो गया समझे आप लोग .


  6. Fact that seem simple but being culturally mind formed early in human’s mind forming and it works to blind humans to simple logic, humans wouldn’t be living the violent lives humans live today, created by man generated man wars to form lines of separation so the humans living within those lines of separation think they are of a different species

    Humans are a species that fires on the emotion of hate first and this predominant relationship with humans has nature to blame, because nature needs hate to create

    To talk about billions of fragments of every little or large scenario that affects humans will result in what we see today, a lot of talking and humans developing as human have for thousands of years with violence being their main tool to form all cultures

    The very nature of life for humans that humans can’t survive without the mind forming from the older humans to earth — will never allow the cycle of wars and killing of the human species to ever end

    There are maybe a handful of humans that understand how the species works and shook their early mind forming but a handful of logic is like a drop of water to quench the thirst of all humans on earth

    Humans that call themselves intellectual and so called man educated and follow any one particular culture are a failure in the aid of healing the wounds that are created from borders and flags and that makes up most of the human species

    This species that may seem conscious toady will be just another failing in this universe that rides the tides of live and death

    No human ever can, because of their early mind forming and the emotional state of the species, ever, ever be able to rule over their own race

    The answer is to have all new humans to earth mind formed early understanding that we humans are one and the same species and what makes one happy, sad, smile or cry makes all human feel and do the same things– not possible because the stronger mind formers think they know what is best for the mostly weak minds on earth

    1. @JustMeAgain

      Thanks for making me read your comment after a long time… A great way to develop another perspective 🙂

      1. No human makes another read or look at another mind formed humans thoughts and if one is made to look then that human isn’t being honest with themselves

        What we see written here is the same back and forth discussions that were going on forever and never solving any human’s need to be angry and the wanting of separation

        Some thinkers even thought they could play the cultural mind forming game, would rather be seen as the village idiot, then take part in the never ending game of blame everyone but oneself for the failings of a species that it’s condition for survival are determined by nature and not some imperfect emotional mind formed cultural brain formed by the lines of separation

        Advantages of being seen as an idiot!
        Your kind enough to have others think their smarter than you — feeds their ego and narcissism
        You can filter out the humans that are tightly mind formed or loosely mind formed
        A human that isn’t tightly mind formed will see through your idiot persuade and then that human seeing that will be able to see what most humans on earth are mind formed not to see –none found yet
        The idiot adds to the number one emotion humans are driven by and that is– hate

        The idiot being ridiculed as being too stupid to help solve humans need to kill has done as much as the most so called intellectual humans on earth from day one –oh –it is nothing and so an idiot and intellectual are equal in solving humans need to kill and be mind formed

        To say on any one human’s train of thought will in-time cause a train wreck

    2. Macbeth:

      To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
      Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
      To the last syllable of recorded time;
      And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
      The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
      Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
      That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
      And then is heard no more. It is a tale
      Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
      Signifying nothing.

      Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19–28


      I hope my dear friend who is owner of higher consciousness level should come to realize why an idiot like me is safer in world dominated by intellectuals of all types 🙂 ..It’s better to move as idiot rather than as an men of intellect in our times…

  7. Intense discussion also took place on Desh Mere Forum, Facebook.


    Amit Kumar Bharat said:

    जिसकी नीतियां गलत होगी उसका पतन तो होगा ही इसमें कोई आश्‍चर्य की बात नहीं..

    Kunal Sethi’s Response to Amit Kumar Bharat:

    अच्छा सिर्फ हिन्दुओ की ही नियत गलत है ..बाकि सब धरम पाक साफ है क्या …!!!! ओह अच्छा आपके अनुसार हिन्दुओ की वो नीति गलत है जिसके अनुसार आजकल वो सिर्फ 1-2 बच्चे ही पैदा कर रहे है ज्यादातर …..अपने और देश हित के बारे में सोच कर !! 8-8 बच्चे पैदा करना शुरू कर दे तो …सही रहेगा ना …?

    My response to Kunal Sethi:

    आपने इतने पते की बात कह दी कि अलग से जोड़ना कुछ उचित नहीं.. इस तरह से गलतियाँ नहीं दूर कि नहीं जाती कि अगर कोई आम आदमी भ्रष्टाचार की बात कर तो उसे ही भ्रष्ट साबित किया जाए.. ये एक तरीका है अपनी विफलताओ को छुपाने का ..ये बताता है कि आप के पास कहने को कुछ नहीं है बचाव में !!!


    Ramakant Pandey’s Response For Amit Kumar Bharat:

    Mr. Amit Kumar Bharat यदि मै स्वयं तौलने लगूं तो आपके बात करने के ढंग में भी गलती निकल दूँ …दूसरों की गलतियाँ उजागर करके सर्वश्रेष्ट बनने की या सबसे उल्टा बोलकर महान बनने की कोशिश ना करे …ये मेरा अनुरोध है …..रही बात हिंदुत्वा कि तो मै कहता हूँ कि उपेक्षित हर वर्ग को बोलने का अधिकार संविधान ने दिया है …हिन्दुओ को बहुमत में होने के कारण उपेक्षा का विरोध करने से याद i सरकार रोके तो साफ़ गलत है …बल्कि सरकार को हिन्दू समाज के समस्त हित कर्ताओं को बुला कर अपने शिकायत की पुष्टि करने का मौका दिया जाना चाहिए ..यही लोकतान्त्रिक रास्ता है ..यदि सरकार ये नहीं कर रही तो गलत है ..चाहे वो BJP हो या UPA…कोई भी हो ..मै मानता हूँ कि भारतीय संविधान सबसे अच्छा संविधान लिखा गया है …यदि उसे सिर्फ सही तरीके से प्रचलित किया जा सके तो भारत को सोने कि चिड़िया बनने से नहीं रोका जा सकता ..विश्व शक्ति भी बन सकता है ..

    निराश होने की कोई ज़रुरत नहीं..जैसे किसी ज़हर में जीवन नहीं होता या वह कभी भी जीवन का अस्तित्व पर काबू नहीं पा सकता वैसे ही कोई भी धरम जो की कट्टर होगा वो कभी भी पूर्ण विश्व पर आधिपत्य नहीं जमा सकता….

    मुसलमानों पे मुझे कोई कोई नाराज़गी नहीं…हर कोई अपना वर्चस्व चाहता है …किन्तु मुझे उन लोगों और नेताओ से सख्त चीड़ है , नफरत है , जो समाज की विभिन्नता बनाम कमजोरी को इस्तेमाल करके हमेशा वर्चस्व चाहते हैं…..

    My response to Ramakant Pandey

    आपने इतने गहरे में जाकर बाते कही है कि इससें ये समझ में आने लगा है कि आम हिन्दू अब अपनी उपेक्षा को लेकर सचेत हो चला है.. इतने गहरे में जाने के लिए आपको धन्यवाद


    Rashmi Dikshit:

    कट्टरपंथ हर जगह होता है पर वोह किसी समस्या का समाधान नहीं , समाधान जोड़ने से है गुट बना कर अलगाव वाद फैलाने से नहीं , जब सब देश वासी एक साथ मुख्या धारा में चलेंगे तभी देश का विकास होगा

    My comment for Rashmi Dixit:

    Separatism is hallmark of all Islamic ideologies. How can you reconcile with such philosophy which promotes separatism ?

    How can you ignore the fact that dangerous Islamic network is posing the most fatal danger to our internal security ? Isn’t that constitute an integral part of some of the most pressing issues bothering the nation ? And therefore , one has to discuss the issue on merit and if it involves an intense discussion covering religious perceptions one just cannot ignore it.


    Ramakant pandey said:

    ‎Arvind K Pandey ji मै इस बात का समर्थन करता हूँ की वाकई में सरकार जो कसाब की सेवा कर रही है वो गलत है…किन्तु इस बात पर भले कुछ ही सही पर निर्दोष मुसलमानों को बलि चडाना गलत होगा …हर सरकार हमेशा से हिन्दू प्रधान ही रहा है फिर क्यूँ हुआ इस बात का जवाब खोजे तो हम सही दिशा पाएंगे ..

    My response for Ramakant Pandey

    इस बात के भ्रम से ऊपर उठे कि हर सरकार हिन्दुओ कि रही..सिर्फ नाम मात्र के हिन्दुओ की सरकार रही और वो रही सिर्फ वोटिंग तक .. कांग्रेस ने इन साठ सालो में सिर्फ हिन्दुओ के बल पे सरकार बना के मुस्लिम तुष्टिकरण की नीति चलायी और नतीजा साफ़ है कि आतंकियों को मौत नहीं बिरयानी मिल रही है.

  8. Pankaj Tiwary on LikedIn said:

    I think political support ke bina kabhi kuchh nahi ho sakega. UPA Govt.sirf muslim tustikarn me lagi hue hai, agar koi hinduo ke hito me aawaz uthata hai to use RSS ya VHP ka agent karar diya jata hai. Hindustan me hinduo ki hi koi kadra nahi hai kyoki hindu ekjut ho kar apane hito ke liye aawaz nahi uthata. mujhe yad hai ek bar L.K.Aaadwani jee ke sath mai ek manch par tha waha public nare laga rahi thi.. ” Jo hindu hit ki bat karega wo desh par Raz karega” Aadwani ne us samay kaha tha “Jo Desh hit ki bat karega wo desh par raz karega” mai usi samay samjh agaya tha ki aab BJP ki sarkar center me nahi aayegi aur pichhle do election se bichhare P.M. in waiting bane hue hai aur BJP ne apani nitiya jald nahi badli to aage bhi BJP ka center me aana mushkil hai.


    My response to Pankaj:

    बिल्कुल सही कहा आपने पंकज जी ..पर बात ये भी तो है कि हिन्दुओ में जब तक अपने को एक संगठित इकाई के रूप में देखने की चेतना विकसित नहीं होगी तब तक कोई राजनैतिक पार्टी क्या कर लेगी..

  9. @Praveenji

    Thanks for reading and appreciating the article!!!

  10. Subhash chandra vishwakarma | Reply

    Hinduo me bikharav hai jati pati jis din jatiya tutegi usi din Hindu ek hoge abhi Hindu jag rhe hai

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